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Elliot pov_

Ahh.~ just another day in hell,if i just just not go to school today
And forever,dont get me erong i love school.i like to learn,yup you got me there,i'm what people call nerd or whatever it doesnt matter to me,i like what i like.so back to what i say just know.
Ooh ya,i like to go to school but there always someone who always there to ruin it for me.

I'm happy with just me and my two best friend..
Let me introduce them to you ok


Elliot, i cant introduce my self ok,
Ok so where am i at,oh ya my name is justin,but you guys can just call me,juzz the sexy one hahaha,,i'a queen but the way ok.


Hi dear,my name is kyla,and you need to call me kyla.not ky,not lyy or whatsoever ok.


Hi there,my name is adryn,i'm the hottest guy in this school,
Everyone want me and i like it that way,and i'm a bully,i like to bother that nerd eli,why you ask?
Because i can

Btw that elliot in the photo k...

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