The man stopped with his ramblings and laughed. "I see the poison has finally kicked in!" He watched in satisfaction as the boy struggled to breathe. He stood and gathered his things before looking at the boy again.

"Today is also the celebration of your defeat." He watched as the boy's body spasm with every cough, blood seeping from his lips and his crystal tears were now red. What little was left of his shirt was now beginning to be dyed with his blood from the deep cuts on his neck and chest. "I will enjoy knowing that your life will finally end today."

Then he left. Leaving the boy still choking on his own blood, which was now coming out of his ears and nose too. His vision turned red as he continued to cry tears of blood, before darkening. The pain was excruciating, boarder lining the worst he has felt since he woke in this cell...though he couldn't tell if it was from the physical or emotional pain that racked his small body. He was just so tired, of the pain, of the anguish. He just wanted to be at peace and rest, but that small part inside him screamed not to give up. But how could he not? When the thought of death was a lot more soothing than this?


The streets of Konohagakure were filled with more people than usual as the Kyūbi Festival began. Lights and decorations littered nearly every street in the center of the village and music filled the air as children dressed in festive clothing played, each wearing an animal mask of their choice. Their parents happily engaged in conversation among themselves.

Among them, shinobi of the village roamed the streets. Particularly two girls, one with long blonde hair tied in a high ponytail and the other with short pink locks strolled along the streets enjoying themselves.

"How are you, Billboard Brow?" The blonde teased, enjoying the way the other's eye twitched at the old nickname.

Sakura smiled, playfully hitting Ino's arm before replying. "I'm fine, thanks. What about you? Has Shikamaru been treating you well?"

Ino blushed. "Yes, he has. We actually had something planned for later tonight."

Sakura beamed. "Am I going to become an auntie?" If possible Ino's face turned a deeper shade of red.

"O-of course not! It's nothing like that! We've just been so busy with the missions lately and haven't had time to ourselves for a while now. We figured since this might be our only chance to spend some time together, at least until everything is settled."

Sakura gushed. "That's so romantic."

"I guess...It was actually Shika's ideal."

Sakura stopped and looked at Ino. "Really?" Ino nodded, embarrassed. "Didn't know he had it in him."

Ino giggled. "Neither did I."

They stopped at one of the food stands and sat down. They ordered and began talking about their lives, any new interests or other things in their life that they hadn't mentioned before. When their food came they began talking about their memories.

"Something wrong?" Ino asked her. Sakura frowned before shaking her head.

", nothing's's just..." She sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping. "Everything is finally taking a toll on me. Just a year ago, it was Naruto sitting next to me...and with everything that's happened..." She stopped, wiping the tears from her eyes. Ino sensing where this was going embraced Sakura in a hug. When she had calmed a little, Ino looked at her seriously.

"Sakura, you shouldn't dwell on things like that. I know that it's difficult and I can't, in anyway, sympathize with you because I haven't had to go through what you had to, but you can't keep thinking about it anymore."

Darkness That Binds Him (ItaNaru) |Under Editing|Where stories live. Discover now