"Then, where are you taking me?" I was becoming a little alarmed, not by his driving, but by his moody attitude and lurking eyes through the trees.

"Well, if I told you, I'd have to kill you," Harry chuckled and then ran his hand up my leg as we hit a gravel road.

"Harry, you're scaring me," I broke.

"What did I tell you about my sex life, Callie?" Harry slammed on the brakes, making my seat belt plaster me to the seat. I expected bruises around my hips in the morning from the harsh stop.

"That it was dangerous..." I crossed my arms over my chest and looked over at him with a smirk on his face as if he was testing me.

"So, I'm going to ask you again, are you sure you want to have-," he leaned over and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Are you sure you can handle me? Who said I wasn't dangerous in bed? You haven't even tried me out yet, Harry," I leaned forward so our faces were brushing against the others and then unbuckled myself and opened my door, stepping out into the cold midnight air of Maine.

I walked up the path for a moment by myself, until I heard Harry turn the car off and run after me with gravel crunching with each step. "Maybe you are the dangerous one," Harry spoke softly as he walked next to me.

"It would make sense. All of my brooding sexual lingo to you, my shy nature, my acute dating life," I giggled and grabbed his hand.

"Ah yes, it's quite the story, don't you think? You can write this one to NYU, the girl stuck behind the book meets boy with tattoos and strange enough the girl stuck behind the book is a freak in the sheets while the boy with tattoos is quite the goodie goodie," Harry laughed with me as we walked to nowhere in particular.

"NYU would probably turn me down. No offense to our relationship though," I frowned playfully. 

"None taken," he shook his head playing along.

"So are we just going to be dangerous in the woods then? Or what?" I crossed my arms over my chest and looked over at my lost boy who was now laughing at me.

"Well, if you'd like, but I was thinking somewhere a little more cozy," Harry stopped walking for a minute and stood in front of me on the gravel pathway. "But we have to get back in the car, it's down the road a bit."

I bit my tongue and turned on my heel and headed for that famous black Range Rover of his. He walked with me and rested his hand on my waist, rubbing circles into my hipbone. "Eager as ever, Ms. Steele."

"I've wanted you since I met you," I rested my head on his shoulder as we walked to the vehicle. "I just didn't know how screwed up my mentality was back then."

"Thanks to you, mine's a lot clearer now," he opened the door for me and kissed my forehead.

As he ran to his side, I breathed out in relief, "Mine too, Harry, mine too."

"Let's get going shall we," Harry reached over and ran his hand through my messy waves. I leaned into his hand and yawned. Fuck, I cannot be getting tired! We're finally about to make love and I'm nodding off! Great, I'm such a mood ruiner. 

The car started and moments later Harry was pulling up to this small cottage that looked to be vacant. "Is this James?"

"No, it's actually mine," Harry smiled over at me as he parked the car and pulled the key out. "I haven't told anyone about it. Not James, not Daphne, not Charles, not Alaric."

I got out of the car and looked him over. He was showing me before everyone else? "Why not?"

"I kind of want it to be my little secret. I've been working on it for over a year. She's looking kind of home-y now," Harry took his keys to the front of the door and unlocked the cottage.

The Unlikable (Book One) // h.s. [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now