Chapter 19: Waiting

Start from the beginning

∆Star's POV∆

I awoke,to see my sister being wheeled away around a corner.

"Where is (Y/N) going?"
I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Star,(Y/N),is going to have the baby!!!"
Mom says rather excitedly.

"Yaass!!!! Two babies in one day!!!"
I say jumping up into the hair.

I fell back to earth with plop on the comfy waiting room sofa.

I was trying to stay awake,but then again it was three  in the morning.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep once more.

∆1 hour Time skip!!!∆
Mrs.Soul's POV∆

I was worried sick.
Not just for Gina but for (Y/N) to,they're so many things that can go wrong. Like what if it was a miscarriage,or-

I was stripped from my thoughts when Marco came in.
He had the most dumbfounded look on his face.

Mr,and Mrs. Diaz got up from  their seats,worried something happened, I followed pursuit, along with my Husband.

"Is she okay?"
Mrs,Diaz and I asked at the same time.

Marco paused for a little bit,than finally spoke.

"T-twins.... But...h-how?!"

I was so happy I hugged him,as did Mrs.Diaz.

"Ware our our grand babies?!"
Mrs Diaz,says.

Marco smiles,and asked us to follow him. Before I did,I stopped and turned to Mr and Mrs.Butterfly.

"Can you tell Tom I went to see his sister?"
They nod, and continued their conversation.

I turned back and walked up to where the Diaz's and my husband were.

They were looking threw a window,admiring the two babies.

I looked in the window to see two bassinets, with the last name 'Diaz' on them,I look at the first name of the bassinet to the right. It was labelled with the name,Zin Diaz.
I looked in the basket to see a small girl with Brown hair and eyes.
She looks like Marco.

I smile and look to the next bassinet to see a little boy with Pink hair,and the same brown coloured eyes,as Zin,I look at the name tag to see,the name,'Niyol Diaz'.

"Which is older?"
I asked.

"Niyol is,"
Marco replies, suddenly a wave of realisation hits him,like a punch to the face.

"Were is (Y/N),and Tom?"

"Oh (Y/N) went into labor about two hours ago,"
Mr.Diaz replies.

"I'm going to go check on Star,"
I say,walking back to the waiting room,with the Butterflies and Oscar.

As I walk back in I see Tom run out,with a big smile plastered on his face.

"Hey,how is she doing?"

I ask.

"She is doing just fine,she is sleeping now,"

"How is the baby?"
Ask again,knowing he was avoiding the question teasing my urge to know.

"He's doing great,they just pit him in the nursery!"
Tom says racing for the window.

I walk after him.

I once again reach the window,and look for the child.

I finally see,a baby with red fire hair,and two little horns,he has three eyes,just like his daddy only they were a (E/C).( (E/C)=Eye Color)

"Congrats man,"
Marco says,patting Tom on the back.

"Same to you,"
Tom replied .

"So what did,Gina scream at you for?'
Tom asks with a smirk on his face.

"Oh she told me that after it was all over that we were never,gonna do the thing, that started this all. You?"
Marco replies.

"(Y/N), said the same,but she also said, that next time I'm gonna have the baby,"
I laugh at the two boys talking back to one another.

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