"The bough. You need to stab at the heart of the bough. The tree fell down immediately."

"You sta-stabbed it?"

"Nope. You did. When you collided with it. The knife in your hand hit right on the spot."

I sat up. "What about others?"

"Brand just rescued Em. They're sitting right to a fallen tree. They're safe."

I appreciated that but they weren't who wanted to hear. He knew that damn well too. The fear became palpable in my chest when I refused to think as to why he didn't tell me about her first.

I looked at him, his jaw set hard but his eyes clearly concerned. "Rose?"

He hesitated for a moment, it was enough to send me into a panic mode. I guess he saw the storm rising inside me as well. His arms came down on my shoulders steadying me.

"She's alive."

Not good enough. As glad as I was to hear that, it was not exactly what I wanted to hear.

"Is she all right? Is she safe?" I asked him as I stood up, swaying a little.

"She is safe."

Fuck! He didn't answer my first question.

"Where is she?" I hissed in fear. Looking around frantically.

My feet moved before I could contemplate, before my mind could receive the message of what my eyes were seeing.

A burning tree, Arianna sitting right next to it, bent over something. Somebody.


I rushed through the newly erupting fire, spreading from tree to tree. The fire wouldn't kill them but subdue them for a while.

I raced till I reached Arianna, falling onto my knees as I took in the sight of my beautiful girl looking like a wounded soldier from a battle.

Jesus Christ! She was bleeding everywhere.

Angry scratchmarks and bruises covered every inch of her visible skin, her top torn into half, revealing her black bra. Her bare skin once smooth was covered with dirt and scraped, traveling from her belly till her ribs.

Several huge gashes bleeded rapidly from her arms. A punctured wound at her thigh. My insides shriveled as I looked at her wrist where the savage tree had grabbed her.

But what made me most worried wasn't her severely bleeding wrist. It was the torn up flesh at her leg that was so deep I could see her muscles inside.

Her closed eyes threatened my own to tear up. The only relief I got was checking at her deep breathing and a steady pulse.

I was so focused on tracking her injuries, I didn't become aware of Arianna sobbing my name until she was shaking me.

"Diego! You're bleeding."

"Huh?" I looked up dazed.

"Your nose is bleeding."

Who gives a fuck about my nose?

I looked back at Rose. Tucking her gently back, away from her face.

Her lower lip was busted up and a gash on her cheek as well. Jesus.

But I was relieved... so, so relieved that she had made out of that tree somehow alive.

My fearless, beautiful cinder.

Gathering her up in my arms, I cradled her to my chest. Inhaling her scent mixed with dirt and smoke, nuzzling into her warm skin.

My body shook with relief as I held her tighter, closer. Each trembling within me made me cling on tighter to her. I kissed her forehead, her eyes, her nose, her bleeding cheeking, her busted lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2017 ⏰

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