"No Juliana!" I turned and glared at her but she wouldn't listen. She kept waking until she was right next to me and even though she was short she managed to stick her head through and finally looked at everything.

Toby nakedly walked over and grabbed the girl off of the bed. He looked back and smiled at Juliana while she watched in horror, frozen in her spot next to me.
"Juliana COME." I grabbed her by both her shoulders and tried to make her look up at me but she had her hand over mouth and wouldn't look away from Toby and the girl.

"As you can see..." Toby's flat tone rang out. "I don't care about you and I do not like you. So I don't know what makes you keep coming here but hopefully this gives you the clear message. Now get the fuck out of my room and out of my pack house. Actually get the fuck out of this town and go back where you came from." He growled. "Didn't you already get the feeling that you don't belong here anymore?" He snapped.

Juliana was hyperventilating and her tears wouldn't stop coming. She ran out of the room so fast that I didn't even have time to deal with Toby, I immediately ran after her. This shit didn't go as planned, at all.



As soon as Wes and Jules disappeared out of my room I began to feel disgusted. Disgusted in my myself, in Jules and in this bitch in my bed.

"Get your clothes and please get the fuck out." I told her. I held my temples because my head began to pound.

"What?we didn't even have sex yet!" She yelled.

"I said it nicely." I growled looking at her. "I can't stand the sight of you, I can't believe I let you even lay in my bed, you disgust me." My eyes scanned her body as I shook my head at her. She looked to the ground and began gathering her clothes. I knew the tears were coming.

I only used her because I saw Jules and Wes coming to the pack house. The blonde was already in the pack house in the arcade so I made a plan to pretend they caught me having sex.

She began full out crying now and I swear I didn't give not 1 fuck. But watching Juliana cry made me wanna die. It was the worst feeling and I hated that I even had feelings towards it. To this day I couldn't understand the hold or grasp that she has forever had on me.

Once the blonde was dressed she still wanted to talk shit to me. She was so lucky i wasn't heartless because i was so tempted to literally toss her ass out of the window like the piece of trash that she was. She literally makes the name 'whore' she has slept with half the men in my pack.

"You just wanted to have me here to make that girl jealous. No wonder you didn't have sex with me or even kiss me for that matter. You must like that cunt."

Before I knew it she flew backwards against my bedroom door from me slapping her. I was so angry that I wanted to do more but I couldn't because she was a woman. She fell to her knees and cried so hard I began to worry because I started to hear footsteps and it sounded as if someone was walking towards my bedroom door.

I breathed a sigh of relief when Wes barged into my room like always and took in the scene. He already knew what to do. He helped the blonde up and walked her into the hallway. I listened through the door as he sweet talked her for a few minutes and I'm pretty sure she left considering Wes came back into the room and walked toward the window peering out of it.

He usually offers these stupid girls whatever they want in return for there silence when I do something dumb. I never put my hands on any of them, only threats but this time I did so I know he had to offer her a big amount of money.

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