The Cullens Family

Start from the beginning

I did what I had to do even without him ordering me.When I cam downstairs,was waiting at the very end of the steps.After I came downstairs with him,went to the ship and flew off towards Zim's house.

As we flew by,was going deeper and deeper into the woods.It wasn't long enough until we saw a big sea-green house.It had a purple roof with a huge satellite on the side.There were lawn gnomes and other tacky looking stuff that people put on their front yard.

"Nice taste there."

"You like?"


He reached out to pull my hair before I swatted his hand away from me.

"Ow!" screamed and growled.He opened the hatch."Ready....Gaz?" asked,to hold in his anger.

I shrugged my shoulders."I guess so."

We walked inside and inside was asurprise.The inside had a purple and green wallpaper of some little spaceship.There was a magenta couch with a big TV screen in the front.There was also a picture of a green monkey that was hanging above the couch.The floor was tiled and up above me were long wires,up.On the couch were the family.

There was Mr.Cullen with Devi at his side.Johnny was probably a tall,man with short black hair.He was wearing steel-toed boots and a jacket.Devi had the same violet hair as mine,pulled in pigtails.She also had a beauty mark on her left cheek.She was almost the same height as Johnny.She was wearing a black shirt with a purple one underneath it.She had purple pants with fishnet leggings and black shoes.

"Johnny,Devi," Zim said as he began to introduce me to them,"This is Gaz."

"Hello there,Gaz." Johnny stood up and shook my hand happily.I step up to him to shake it.

"Nice to see you,Mr.C."

"Call me Nny."



I nodded my head.Devi reached to me and shook my hand.

"It's nice to know you," said,.


"Where are Tak and Skoodge?" Zim asked,around.

"Zim!" Tak called out happily.She waved her hand in front of herself and then reappeared with the rest of the group.It reminded me of a show I've seen before.She was in her Irken appearance.She was just like Zim,that her antennae were curled,eyes were purple,she had a beauty mark on her left cheek.

"Hello Gaz!" Tak exclaimed and waved at me.The family was a bit shocked at the expression Tak had.

"You do smell sweet," commented.This is so wrong.I soon spotted a familiar,,and fat boy.He was almost taller than Zim.

"Hello Gaz," Skoodge waved shyly.

"Hey,Skoodge." I waved back at him."It's nice to see you all.Nice house."

"Thanks," Devi said."We're so happy that you came."

I noticed that Tenn and Sizz-Lorr were nowhere to be found.I also spotted a guitar for Guitar Hero in the corner as well.Devi noticed where my eyes were.

"You play video games?" asked.

I nodded."Yeah.The game is good.Who does it belong to?"

"Zim.He's getting a little better at it."

I snickered as Zim looked at Devi."Mom!"

"What? It's true."

I tried to repress my laughter."You sure he's a perfect son for you?"

Tak snickered as well."Showing off?" asked.

"You are just filled with jelly at my amazing skills!" smiled proudly as Tak growled at her brother.

"Let's see if you can do better against me.Give me an extra," I said,my fingers as Nny went to get another.

"You think you can defeat Zim?!!! Ha!! I'd like to see you try!!"

"Whatever you say."

After Johnny returned with the extra guitar and Zim had set up everything,battle began.It wasn't much of a challenge since I played this game many times before.It was like going against a noob who entered in a tournament of a game he'd never played before.The family laughed at Zim's failure and attempt to win and his loss.

"I'd never like this kind of game anyway!" Zim declared after he got over his temper tantrum."I'd prefer something that involves destroying all humans!!"

The family had gone somewhere,I can tell they liked me already.

I smirked."So,about Tenn and Sizz-Lorr? Where are they?" I asked.

"Don't worry about Tenn.She'll be around," Zim answered.


"He thinks I'm crazy,it's not REALLY true.He's just trying to reason with Tenn."

"What made her scared?"

"She's a bit jealous of you."

"Jealous?" I asked again.

"You are a strong human girl," shrugged."She wishes that she was like that too."

"Ah," I muttered."And Skoodge..."

"He's a bit new to the whole living among the humans.I warned him to keep his distance."

Makes sense,I guess.

"I see that your family really likes me.Tak seems very....energetic."

"She likes to have some female conversations that seem rather intelligible.The other human girls are not like that."

"May I ask what did she see before? You know,whole future thing."

Zim sighed."She saw some visitors.They might get you."

"Oh boy...." I rolled my eyes."I'm in terrible danger." I said sarcastically.

"Does nothing ever scare you?!!" Zim screamed.

I shrugged as my eyes looked around for anything vampire-like."No coffins,,cobwebs? Some vampire you turned out to be," I muttered as I walked up the stairs to look around.There were doors,to each room.They were labled.One had IZ on it.The others were IT,IS,ITN,SL,Nny's Office,DD room.Zim followed me and offered to go in IZ.IZ.Must be Invader Zim.Egotistical moron.

I went in quietly.It was like any room for Zim.A bed,of other aliens that were destroying humans,computer,a balcony.I went over to see a shelf full of CDs,,books.Most of them I saw were Edgar Allan Poe books."I like his work," I said,at some of the titles.

"Father and mother love reading them.Devi once worked at a bookstore.You can say they met there at that time as well," Zim explained.

"Can you tell me about your dad?" I asked."I'm very interested in him."

"He's about in his earlys.He just celebrated his birthday," Zim answered."Johnny doesn't remember where he was born.I heard that his parents were killed and he became a masked crime fighter,they found that father ridiculous."

"I still have questions.A few."

"Come then," offered his hand as I went with him down the hall.

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