Ch- 47 Some Kind of News

Start from the beginning

"You don't have a choice," I snapped at him. I will not raise three of his children alone.

"I do have a choice. Just like you have a choice. Get an abortion or raise the baby yourself," he told me and I shook my head again.

"Cole!" I yelled, appalled by what he was saying and how he was acting.

"I'm serious," he stated.

"What about the boys?" I asked, feeling very hurt by the ultimatum he is giving me. How did he go from being a great dad to telling me to abort the baby inside of me?

"They're different," he said and ran his hand over his face. "But that baby," he started, pointing to my stomach. "I don't want it." He walked out of the bathroom. I don't understand. He didn't do this when he found out I was pregnant with the twins, and he definitely didn't do this with Whitney either. I mean he told us to get an abortion but he never pressed for it like he is now. He's serious, I could tell by the intense look on his face and just because I know him.

One of the boys started crying and I wiped my puffy eyes while standing up. I tossed the tests in the trash can and tended to the boys. Cole had already left the house but I am so upset with him that I don't care where he goes at this point.

"Hi baby boy," I kissed Josiah's head and held him close to my chest. Holding Siah made me more emotional and I started crying which upset him. He started fussing and I had to dry up my tears to not make him any more upset. "It's okay Siah, mama's okay," I told him soothingly and he went back to sleep in my arms after I rubbed his back for a few minutes and sang to him.

Later that night I put the boys asleep in my room to have them closer to me and stayed up, watching Netflix.

I heard Cole's truck pull in the driveway around 1:30 in the morning. Not long after the door was slammed open and Cole's heavy footsteps stomped through the house all the way to his room across the hall.

I heard a female voice and listened carefully, trying to figure out who it is. I didn't recognize the voice and her laugh was typical. There were a series of loud and inconsiderate noises and Jaxon almost started crying so I went into the hallway and knocked on the door.

He opened the door shirtless and with unbuttoned pants. I looked into the room and noticed there were two women that looked very promiscuous.

"Cole let me talk to you," I said and he stepped out of the room shutting the door behind him. He stood really close to me and just looked down at me as he stood silent.

"Our baby boys are trying to sleep so you need to take this somewhere else," I told him and loud music began playing in the room.

One opened the door to see what was going on and I screamed at her to shut the door. "Shut the fucking door," I yelled and she did almost immediately.

"This my house too and I can do whatever the fuck I want," he stuttered, his breath reeking like alcohol.

"Are you drunk?" I asked already knowing the answer. "And are those strippers in there?" I questioned angrily. He nodded proudly. The boys started to cry and I ran to them to give them their pacifiers and go back to Cole.

"How dare you bring two whores into our home," I yelled, wanting to punch him in the face for his lack of care.

"I brought you here didn't I?" He smirked and I felt extremely hurt by what he said, I just didn't let it show. It's amazing what I've learned to put up with because of him. Before Cole reentered my life I would have been much more distraught if someone had said those words to me.

"Your sons are sleeping on the other side of that wall. Doesn't that matter to you?" I asked trying to get him to feel something.

"Look I'm more than ready to go in there, so if you're done I'd like to not talk to you anymore," he said and I pushed past him and entered the room.

"Get out of this house!" I yelled at the two girls and they took it as a joke. "He has two children. Plus he's broke and I'm pregnant with his child right now so either you go based off of that information or I make you go," I told them at a very fast pace and they both looked at each other.

"Jessalynn what are you fucking doing?" He yelled. I turned off the radio and pointed at the door.

"Get the fuck out of my house now," I told them and they walked towards the door. I was breathing heavy and my heart was pounding very fast as adrenaline pumped through my body.

The whole time I was confronting them I've been nauseous and trying to keep from throwing up. I do not have any tolerance for Cole's games anymore.

"I am sick and tired of your bullshit Cole. Every time you don't get your way you treat everybody else like shit. The world does not revolve around you. I have feelings too, and these problems affect me too," I lectured before covering my mouth with my hand and running into the bathroom. Cole went into his room and I went back into mine.

Luckily the boys stayed asleep although I never did fall asleep. I did a lot of thinking that night and I called Jessie in the morning to help me bring a few of my things over to my parents because I came to the conclusion that being in the same house as Cole is not working and I never want my boys to hear those kind of fights again.

Jessie got there quickly and helped me load up their cribs and highchairs as well as some other things I would need.

Cole came out of his room at all of the noise and I didn't say anything to him. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm moving out Cole," I turned to him and stated. "I'm moving out because if I'm going to act like a single parent, I might as well just go and be one. You cannot be a sometimes parent, it's all or nothing." I carried a bag of diapers out to Jessie's car and shut the trunk. I hugged Jessie and laid my head against him while crying.

"This is what's best for the boys," he assured me and I nodded in agreement.

When we arrived at my parents I let the girls play with the boys while I laid on the bathroom floor feeling severely nauseous and throwing up occasionally.

I didn't plan on trying to keep that I'm pregnant a secret but I won't announce it.

"How are you doing?" My mom asked as she placed a cold rag on my forehead.

"I've never had morning sickness like this before," I told her and sat up, clutching the toilet.

"So you're for sure pregnant?" She clarified and I nodded before throwing up again. I haven't even been eating so it is just bile. This is horrible. "Jessalynn do you understand what this means? You are about to have three children with a man that doesn't take care of the two he already has. Now you guys don't even live under the same roof," she started in on me and my head pounded from a headache. "Where did I go wrong with you Jessalynn? I've asked myself that so many times. I raised you to be respectful of yourself and to make the right and responsible choices in life," she said as she went to leave. It really hurt to hear how disappointed my mom is in me.

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