We pulled into the parking lot of a secluded elegantly dark building. When we walked inside my heart started to flutter. The room was incredibly beautiful.

The walls were a very dark, romantic purple, there was an enormous chandelier hanging down in the center, it's crystals cascading a few feet off of the center table.

There was only one table, it was dressed in a black satin cover, with a smaller purple cover, matching the walls, in the center.

The rest of the room was peppered with beautiful roses in bouquets, there were rose pedals on the ground and a rose centerpiece on our table.

"What do you think?" Nick asked in sort of a nervous tone, he was rubbing the back of his neck waiting for me to answer.

"This, this is amazing Nick." I walked to him and wrapped my hands around his neck and hugged him for a few moments. I literally am about to cry, just looking at what he's done. It was all perfect.

Nick walked us over to the table and pulled out a chair for me, I gracefully sat and watched as he, too, sat in a chair.

There were two plates covered with silver lids, on the table along with two wine glasses, and the wine itself sitting in a bucket of ice. Nick and I both lifted the lids, to reveal Italian pasta mixed with vegetables, mozzarella and parmesan cheese.

It's smelled incredible and I couldn't wait to devour the food. Nick stood up, walked to the side of the table and poured us each a glass of wine. He sat back down across of me then spoke.

"Finally, I have you all to myself." I smiled and rested my hand on his from across the table.

"I'm glad we finally have time to get to know each other better."

"Tell me about your family." He said finally taking a bite of his pasta, I was already on my third bite.

"Well I'm an only child, I live with both my parents but my dad is in the marines, I haven't seen him in over ten months." I took a sip of the wine. "And my mom is a registered nurse at the children's hospital. How about your family?"

Nick wiped his mouth with a napkin. "My family, is just dad, mom, Jenna, and me. My dad was Alpha, and my mom was a school teacher when they met. That's my basic family." He shrugged. "what have you always wanted to do when you got older?" He asked, drinking some of his wine.

"All my life, I've wanted to do something to save lives." His smile widened.

"Can you get anymore amazing?" He chuckled. "Do you like it here? I mean at our house, do you like it?" I nodded and wiped my mouth with the napkin.

"I absolutely love it. I couldn't have wished for anything better."

"So you don't regret your decision to stay?" He asked hopeful. He's the cutest, he looked like a helpless romantic, even though he's supposed to be the 'big bad alpha'.

"Not at all." He stood up and walked over to where I was sitting. He stretched out his muscular hand and asked,

"Do you want to dance?" I nodded eagerly, I threw the napkin that was on my lap, on the table, took his hand, then stood up walking with him to the center of the small dance floor. We were standing under a few, smaller, shimmering chandeliers. Nick pulled out a remote from his jacket pocket and pressed the tiny red button, it made me laugh that he had the remote with him.

"Time of My Life" from dirty dancing was playing and I giggled hysterically.

"I'll lead." He whispered with a mischievous glint in his beautiful eyes. I nodded and we locked our hands together.

Our bodies moved in sync with one another, to the same exact moves as the ones from dirty dancing. I did a little spin, then twirled back into his arms where my back was on his chest and we swayed our hips to the beat. Then he spun me at least ten feet away from him and he held out his hands.

"Do the jump." He laughed.

"No!" I shook my head laughing along with him.

"Do the jump, Ashley." I was continuously rocking in place, contemplating whether or not to do the jump.

"Come on, Angel." He smiled.

I let out a low scream and ran towards him, when I was two feet away from him I jumped.

He caught me mid air and lifted me above his head where I had my eyes closed and a grin plastered on my face. I opened my eyes when he lowered me and wrapped my legs around his waist,when we were at the same level of height.

"You're good." I said breathlessly, resting my forehead on his.

"You too." He laughed.

"Were'd you learn to dance like that?" I asked.

"My parents renewed their vows, they paid for lessons." I wrapped my arms around his neck, snaking my fingers in his hair.

"Money well spent." His hands found my waist and my body exploded with pleasure.

I bought my lips up to his ear and whispered.

" I love you, Nick." I felt him shudder at my words and I broke into a smile.

I slowly started planting kisses on his jaw, then went down to his neck where I left a few love bites.

Nick groaned at my touch pushed me up against a wall. I let out a yelp of pleasure and we looked at each other with want.

Our lips met, and he licked my bottom lip. I denied him entrance and smiled into his lips, at his frustration. He bit my lower lip making me gasp, and he took this opportunity to slip his delicious tongue into my mouth. I felt him smile on my lips and I tugged lightly on his hair, with pleasure.

He pulled back and we both began panting for air. He looked at me with so much emotion, love, need, want, hunger.

"I won't be able to stop myself." He looked away swallowing hard. "I can't stop myself if we go on." I don't know why but at this moment I got very frustrated.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I don't want to stop, trust me it's hard on me too. But, I don't want to go further and realize I wasn't ready." I pushed myself away from him and planted my feet on the ground then hugged myself. "I know it's wrong and frustrating for you, because mates are supposed to mate and I keep pushing you away." Tears started glowing from my eyes and Nick began wiping them away.

"Ashley, don't be sorry. I can wait as long as you want me to. We don't have to do anything until you're ready." He kissed my forehead and brought me in for a hug. "It's okay if we haven't mated yet, when we do, no matter how long we have to wait, it'll be just as special." I hugged him back and buried my face in his chest.

"Let's go home." He took my hand and kissed it softly.

I nodded weakly as he led me to the door, his hand was wrapped around my waist and my head was resting on his shoulder. I couldn't have asked for a better first date.

I'm sorry for taking so long, I got really sick and have been sick for the week. My blood sugars were so hard to control but I'm BACK!
I Hope you enjoyed this chapter and trust me I have so much planned! I can not wait to write the rest and have you guys read it!

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