That dance was one of the few things they did together that I wasn't supposed to see but I did. They never found out though because when they are together in their quality time no one else exists, not even me. It was beautiful though, I had never seen my mother and father dance like that.

A lot of times when they are their casual selves they are goofy and serious so it was unexpected when they were dancing. The moves were so complex, so precise. Maybe one day she could teach me.

"I definitely heard it." I told her. "So what's up?" I asked her.

She paused for a moment and then I heard shuffling and voices on the other end of the phone. She then responded to the voices, telling them no pink no yellow no greys. What was she doing?

"Oh yes. I was just calling to let you know that your mother and father are moving your party to this weekend because they want to take you out somewhere special for your birthday. Just the three of you."

Great! How was I supposed to tell the entire school that my party was in a day. I had just given out the invitations plus everyone went home.

"Alice, the entire school was told that it's next weekend." I told her in a whiny voice.

She giggled. "Not true. I switched them out while you were in the shower. Every single one is updated."

"But how did you?" I began before I stopped myself. Of course she knew she is Alice. "Never mind." I told her.

"Don't worry everything is taken care of. Even your mother and father are out scoping for a birthday present for you as well as the rest of the family. You will love mine. More then your mother and fathers I just want to put that out there."

More voices were heard and then I heard Alice gasp. "Absolutely not! The lighting and that color won't work. The hue is totally off it'll create a bad vibe. Give me that! See like that. This is a good vibe, this is a bad vibe. Good... bad." Alice said to someone on her end.

"Sorry about that. I swear sometimes I feel like none of my lessons on colors and interior designing went in one ear and out the other with your Uncles. I wish Rosalie was here." She murmured.

"Where is she?" I asked her.

Alice took a breath. "Out looking for your birthday present silly I already told you remember." I heard a crash and the sound of something shattering and then Alice shouted. "I got to go." She said quickly before she hung up.

I put my phone back in my pocket and then looked up. Someone was heading in my direction. Not someone. Rome.What did he want? Wait no, how did he know where I was? In less than five minutes he was standing in front of me.

I smiled and he smiled back.

"So you found me." I said casually as I looked up at him.

He nodded his head and then moved to sit beside me. Suddenly it grew chilly. Or maybe it was just me. Yeah probably just me.

"Well you aren't really hard to find. I can smell your perfume. What is that vanilla or pumpkin?" He asked me.

I looked at him with a mix of confusion. Was my perfume really that strong? I hope I didn't put too much on.

"It's actually both. My mother made it herself." I told him.

He smiled. "Well it smells nice, very alluring." He stared across the field at nothing in perticular and then began speaking. "You are different then the other girls here" He said to me.

I looked at him plainly. No emotion showed on my face and I could feel it, the relaxed feeling. What did he mean different.

"Different?" I replied.

"Different in a good way. I mean you are actually more pleasant to be around." He told me.

I smiled and then actually chuckled a bit to myself. Of course I was plesant to be around. I was half vampire. Vampires were predators. Everything about the species is alluring which for a guy wasn't fair.

"I highly doubt that. I mean I can be a bit of a snob you know, I get that from my mother." I smiled.

"Well the other guys don't think so. The football team can't wait to tackle you and are already talking about breaking up with their girlfriends to get with you. A conversation that I overheard not took part in so you know." He said.

Great! Now I had the school pining after me. Suddenly I wanted to put a potato sack over my body, hide. One of the many things my mother talked to me about when it came to society and the human world I would appeal to many and in their eyes I would become an item. I didn't want to be an item.

I quickly rose to my feet so suddenly it caused Rome to blink as if he was trying to clear an image from his mind. He looked at me with a shocked expression. Then something caught his attention. I looked up and saw snow and small clouds above my head. Shit! I made it snow. I quickly gained control of my powers and watched the snowflakes melt from my shoulder before I looked at Rome.

"Well that was weird" I said to him.

He slowly rose to his feet and looked at me. "You're a vampire" He said to me.

I shook my head. "No... vampires don't exist." I replied.

"Yes they do I'm one." He replied. "Well not entirely but I am half."

I looked at him trying to figure him out. "You are a hybrid?" I asked him.

"My mother died giving birth to me and my father who was a vampire raised me until I was able to fend for myself and then left."

His father a vampire. Mother a human. What was going on? Did my family know this? From my pocket ran my phone, Sweet Cherry Pie. It was Alice. This drew Rome's attention and he waited for me to answer it which I didn't. Finally it went to voice mail.

"You said...." I began.

"I know and just like your story its a cover up."

So everything he told me was a lie. What was really true about him? I yearned to know more about this man that sat before me. Who was he really, who were his parents and how old was he? Most of all where did he come from.

The Girl Who Runs With VampiresWhere stories live. Discover now