The drive to the airport was pretty hectic - there was Liam driving, trying to listen to the radio, Zayn in the passenger seat, trying to get back to sleep but being constantly prodded by Liam to keep him awake, Harry kept pestering Liam, demanding to know if we were there or not, Louis was pretty upset because he couldn't hear the radio and Niall spoke about two things only - he was hungry and he didn't talk to Lana last night. (He and I had both essay-length texts from Lana explaining that the internet at her aunt's house had crashed, and stuff about her trip so far).  Me, well, I was leaning against the window, with my over-ear headphones on, Coldplay blasting through - and it didn't help that Liam was constantly trying to drown out the sound of his band mates by turning up the volume of the radio, as Capital FM's music choice was a lot different to mine. I turned up the music, hoping to defeat the sound of Rihanna's We Found Love

I found it weird that I didn't have to walk very far to ge to my seat in the plane; I looked at my seat number - 1D

"You did that on purpose," I rolled my eyes at Zayn who was behind me.

He chuckled. "Move, I want to get to my seat and sleep."

I began limping, very slowly. "Z-Zayn, I can't," I whimpered, mockingly. "My leg - it hurts so bad!"

He shoved me playfully. "I mean it!" He moaned.

First Class was sick - but the one thing I really cared about, however - foot room. So. Much. Foot room. "Zayn, I love you," I said in awe.

He smirked, knowing I was joking. I leaned back, placing my over-ear headphones over my ears and closing my eyes after putting my iPhone's music on shuffle. I smirked, as I heard Moments come on. I didn't know all of One Direction's songs - after hearing a verse of What Makes You Beautiful I didn't want offence. But Moments was really nice and calming...despite the sad emotion the song gave off.

Zayn peeked over at my iPhone screen, noticing the song. I lowered my headphones and put them around my neck as Zayn opened his mouth -  "I didn't know you liked our music," he commented.

"I'll admit it, Zayn," I said, slowly. "Pop-rock isn't my thing. But, hey, I'm open to new stuff."

He didn't look disappointed or even disheartened, in fact, he looked impressed. "Never met someone who could say that to my face," he said, smiling as he pulled his hood over his face and closing his eyes. "You really are something, you know?"

I smirked and put the song on replay.

A few hours later, I woke up from a dreamless sleep to find Zayn's head on my shoulder and my head on top of his. Zayn was deeply asleep, with his arms wrapped round his waist; I noticed that he was holding my hand and it was intertwined in his arms. I didn't move, as I didn't want to wake him. 

Then, it happened again. He began twitching in his sleep; his eyebrows creasing and the look as though he were on the verge of tears. 

I squeezed his hand soothingly, not really thinking that it could make any difference, and drifted back to sleep.


"Guys," someone urged. "Guys, get up."

I fluttered my eyes open, but shut them again, due to the sudden burst of light.

"Saniya, get up!" Louis yelled. I opened my eyes and found the four boys around us, looking just as tired as we were. I yawned, stretching and cracking my fingers, turning to see Zayn flopping around also having just gotten up.

"Haven't been to Australia in a while," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes as I took my hoodie off and slung my messenger bag over my shoulder. I placed my headphones around my neck, pausing the music and followed everyone outside, where the cold breeze hit me like a ton of bricks. Bet Harry felt like a right idiot for wearing short-sleeves.

The noise was ear-splitting. There must've been a hundred girls screaming their lungs and in hysterics. Some pretty random and dodgy stuff was shrieked at us and I heard a few curious murmurs - probably about me. I hadn't really thought about public reactions to me coming on tour with the bad, however, I wasn't really kicking myself. I'd be spending 'alone time' with Zayn on the tour bus out of the public eye, so assumptions couldn't be made about us dating. Liam and Louis, well their girlfriends were coming with us so they couldn't be accused of cheating. No one knew about Niall and Lana so he was single to the public along with Harry. As long as I wasn't pictured alone with any of them, I wouldn't receive any hate or false accusations.

We piled into a large black cab with tinted windows that had been waiting outside for us. Zayn immedietly began to fall asleep, dropping his head into my shoulder, however, Niall had other plans.

"I'm so hungry," he moaned, letting his head fall back onto his head rest.

I sighed, feeling pretty famished myself and took in the bright and lively city; it was nothing like Queensland - for one thing, it was pleasantly warm rather than deathly hot, and there was a large number of dogs everywhere.

Then, something caught my attention and I immediately got the cab driver to stop.

There, in front of us was God's gift, I could hear the angels sing as my eyes soaked in the wonderful, blessed sight.

"Nando's," I whispered.


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Thanks to the people who're reading :D

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