"What is it now?" I grizzle.

"Your pops woke up. Didn't you notice him?" Fell points at the window. He was indeed by the window, curiously staring at us all, he bobs down when he notices we've noticed him. Then he slowly creeps up again.

"Get away from the window" I murmur to Fynn and Fera, pulling up a Gaster Blaster and opening the window.

"W-w-waiiit! I just wanna know where I am!" He wails as I charge up the blaster.

"You got yourself here. You can get yourself away from here" I hiss, prepping to fire.

"I don't know how I got here! I just want my mommy" he whimpers pathetically.

"Holy shit. He's not joking. He's got the mind of a ten year old. Are you SURE this is our dad?" Fera asks Fell.

"Look, kid. He got up, looked around. Saw you guys in the window and walked over. Do you see anyone around who is a skeleton to replace him?" Fell huffs, Fera narrows her eyes at him.

"Smart ass" she hisses.

"Okay. Wait wait wait. What's your name?" I ask father.

"Vincent Fynn...Reaper" he seemed strange when he mentions his last name.

"What? I thought your name was Kane?" I glare.

"That's the name of our grandfather. Dad doesn't know the past 28 years of his life! What the hell? I'm so confused right now. Memories that were there a few minutes ago are gone. He doesn't even know Mom. He does know someone who looks like Mom though. Fresca? Gimme a sec to figure this out" Fera starts to concentrate.

"Do you know her!? Freskie will vouch for my identity. We're best friends after all! When we were in kindergarten. She promised to marry me" Father beams happily.

"She's Moms older sister. That means she's dead...." when Fera says that, it's like fathers world breaks.

What on earth is going on?

"Please, give him mercy" a voice whispers in my ear, I'm suprised at myself when I de-summon my Gaster Blaster.

"Fynn. Help me with this" Fera murmurs, both of them grab thin air, activating their healing magic.

Someone pops out of thin air.

"Oh! You two have very strong healing magic despite being so young!" The woman smiles.

"Freskiiiiie!!!" Dad wails, jumping through the window and hugging her. This alarms me slightly, I involuntarily back up, falling over my chair. Leif catches me as I fall. "Vinnie~ Be a little less hyperactive for the time being. Okay? I believe your father has been terrorizing your biologically oldest daughter, with your body. She's not exactly your biggest fan" our aunt chuckles as Dad nuzzles her.

"Silly. How can I have a daughter when I'm ten? I'm also a skeleton right now and they can't have babies at all" Father giggles as he wiggles his bony fingers at her.

"You idiot. Do you not see how big I am right now? I have boobs! Yes! Actual boobs!" Aunt Fresca exclaims, it seems to register in his mind.

"Aaaaah!! You have boobs! How old am I?!" Father freaks out.

"Can we please kill him already?" Fell groans, Blue silently agrees, seeming tired with the irritating spiel. I was pretty tired with it myself.

"If you hurt any of my family. I will hunt you down and break every individual bone you currently possess" I snarl, huffing as I go outside to keep watch for danger, Leif follows, bringing my bowl of cereal.

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