Game Night

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 This takes place at game night, the night of the first chapter.  This will be 3rd person because Kara is being nosy with her superhearing. 

Also Maggie brings up  some stuff from Rya's past that is really pretty bad. So i warned you. other than that though it's pretty fluffy.

Alex and Maggie show up to Kara's place first, baring potstickers and arguing about whether or not Maggie should "interrogate" Rya when she showed up. 

"Hey Kara." Kiss on the cheek.

"Sup Little Danvers." Hug from Maggie. "Are Little Luthor and Little Lane coming tonight?" 

"No. It's Rya f-first day back and I didn't want to overwhelm her." Kara adjusts her glasses and blushes a little. Maggie notices the way Kara stumbles over her words, but ignores it in favor of resuming her lovers spat with Alex.

"Babe, you can talk to her but chill out. She's not a suspect in one of our cases." They continue to argue as Kara takes the food into the kitchen.

"But she just showed up! I never even heard of her." Maggie sighs. "Alex, I trust you but she, she is new to me. I can't just let you take this person into your life, and Kara's for that matter, without seeing she is trust worthy for myself."

Alex sighs, secretly loving the fact that Maggie is protecting her and Kara , all the while, Kara watches from the kitchen whilst sneaking potstickers. "Fine, I get that you're being protective-" Alex flops on the couch and shivers. Rounding on Kara, she yells, "Kara! Why the hell is it so cold in here?"  Alex shivers again an pulls Maggie onto the couch next to her. 

Kara points sheepishly at the open, floor length window and mumbles around a mouth of potstickers. Receiving two shaking heads, she swallows and tries again, "Rya -Kaleidoscope had to report to her boss in Metropolis, so she'll be late."

"And she can't knock like a normal person?!" the couple says in unison. Kara is about to respond when a knock sounds through the apartment. Alex throws her hands in the air and yells 'see!'. Kara let Winn and James in, all while death glaring at her sister.

"Geez Kara, what'd Alex do? Eat all the potstickers?" Winn asks when he spots the super glaring. 

Kara makes a 'pft' noise and rolls her eyes, going to take the boxes of pizza from James. She peeks in the boxes and takes them into the kitchen. Getting everyone drinks, Kara lets Alex and Winn pick the first game: Monopoly.

Rya flys in twenty minutes later. She is amazed at the intensity of her friends. Winn was laughing and making some Winn ing pun, while James and Maggie gang up on Kara about using her supervision to cheat. When they noticed Rya, Winn and James, like the gentlemen they are, got up to hive five and hug Rya. Alex pulled her in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek.  Rya walks towards Kara, when the hero suddenly pops up and motions for Rya to follow her into the kitchen. Rya glances questioningly at Maggie but Kara's tug is insistent.  They spend fifteen minutes laughing about Kara's boss Snapper when Maggie turns to face them from the couch.

"Hey, kids, when you are done giggling in there  bring me the Vegan Ice Cream, would ya?"  The gang laughs as Kara's head appears around the corner and she chucks the carton at Maggie's head.  

When the girls rejoin the gang, window still open, Alex is snuggled into Maggie's side under a blanket and Winn and James are threatening to make Alex sing if she doesn't stop wining.  Much to Alex's delight, they start up a game of risk.  Kara and Maggie share a laugh when Alex's face lights up.  Half way through the game, Rya gets up to grab one of Kara's sweaters. Maggie follows a minute later, ignoring Kara's huffs and Alex's whines of protest. 

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