Chapter 6: Operation Leaf Squad

Start from the beginning

"He left?! Why?!" Shikamaru asked curiously.

"Because Orochimaru persuaded him to-" Tsunade interrupted.

"Whoa! Whoa! Wait for a second here! Why would Sasuke be persuaded by such a dangerous guy?!" Shikamaru pointed out with a gesture to exaggerate.

"That's beside the point. We're running out of precious time. For the time being, I'll be giving you your first mission right now," Tsunade instructed.

"So, you want me to follow Sasuke and bring him back!? Well, if we don't run into the enemy. It shouldn't be much of a problem," Shikamaru noted.

"That's true. However, this mission needs to be completed quickly above all else. There will be a high probability of running into trouble."


"This isn't the first time something like this has happened. There's a chance that Orochimaru's henchmen will be showing Sasuke the way," Tsunade explained.

"This... This has become a pretty troublesome situation. But why him? During class, I always thought he was amazing no matter what he was doing. I always looked up to him..." Shikamaru thought deeply in disappointment and continued on. "Therefore for this mission, I ask for a team composed of only jounin and chunin."

"That, I cannot do," Tsunade refused.

"Wh-why?!" He asked in confusion.

"You should know Asuma, Kakashi, and even your father... Right now, most of the upper ninjas, besides the important ones that stay here, are out of the village doing missions. You have 30 minutes. Gather as many worthy genin that you see fit and leave immediately!" With all the instructions that were being said, Tsunade listens to him speak out.

"It's going to be a drag, but it's someone I know. I can't just let it be. Well, I'll do what I can," he looked over his shoulder at her for a suggestion.

"There's one person I would like to recommend to you," she said, smirking.

At that time...

"What! You're joking!!" Naruto yelled out in astonishment that almost destroyed Shikamaru's eardrums. He thought to himself why his rival and fellow teammate left. "Wait for a second, I gotta change!" He ran to his closet, then he and Shikamaru were heading off to go find the others. "So, I'm also one of the superb ninjas you chose?"

"That's right," he replied as they reached one of his teammate's houses.

The big-boned ninja slid it open with a groggy look on his face while he was munching on the chips.

"We're counting on you, Choji," Naruto said.

"Hurry and get ready, we'll be waiting at the front gate in 10 minutes..." Shikamaru was notified briefly.

"Didn't you say, excellent ninjas?! If we need someone, let's ask Shino or..." Naruto suggested.

"Choji and I've been working closely as a team for a long time. He's the easiest person for me to work with," Shikamaru prompted.

Later on, they reached the main entrance gate along with Kiba and Neji. The best-hidden leaf village has left to offer are five genin and a dog that is finally assembled.

"During times like this, I want to..." Rock Lee slowly came approaching behind when he trailed off of his words.

"Lee, there are other things you need to worry about," Neji insisted.

"Well, let's get out of here!" Naruto exclaimed and pumped his fist up in the air. "Alright! Everybody, follow me!"

Everyone went dead silent till Shikamaru began to remind him.

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