The others looked to find what Colonello said was true and that Ryohei somehow changed from his other outfit to his boxing uniform.

So Reborn got in the center of the ring to state the rules.

"Alright. This battle for the rings will be different from the first one. Ryohei, you can think of it as a mixture from your first ring battle and the inheritance battle. Therefore Ryomei can get the ring by either knocking you out or you approving of her. Also, since there isn't anyone else who could take the spot as guardian and we have a week until the next one arrives, Ryomei has several tries to get the ring. That being said if the battle ends within the week, we'll send that cat back and forth so we can speed things along. Any questions?"

"Since when was I elected the gofer?" Lion asked irritated.

"After Ryomei gets the ring from Ryohei, he has to train her using sun flames." Reborn said. "And everyone else continues. Therefore you are the only one who does not need to be here and can go back and forth. I thought that would be obvious but I guess my Dame-student rubbed off on you."

"Don't insult Tsuna," Lion said.

'Protective I see,' Reborn thought as he started the fight with no other comment. "Begin!"

It started off with the two of them staring at each other before Ryomei tried to kick his head. Ryohei was able to block it with his right arm and he noticed that the force she used was almost to the point of his Maximum Cannon.

'She's holding back,' Ryohei thought. 'That is the only explanation on why I'm still standing. But why is she holding back?'

Ryohei could hear the other girls cheering for Ryomei but that didn't stop him from punching her in the gut, using the same amount of force she used on him, and she coughed up some spit. It didn't take long for her to catch her breath and she tried to punch him back, but he easily dodged.

"Why are you fighting?" Ryohei asked. "If you are not going to come at me to the extreme, then why are you fighting?"

"What is he talking about? I thought Ryomei always does things to the 'max'," Taru commented.

"Fighting is the only thing she holds back in. Can't you tell? Baka." Hayaki told Taru.

Ryomei was still panting after getting punched.

"I'm fighting for my friends," she panted. "But after an incident when I was younger I stopped fighting. Sorry for being a bit rusty, but I'll beat you soon."

Ryohei looked at the determination in her eyes and made a decision. He grabbed the half ring from his neck and tossed it to her. She was able to catch it, but was confused.

"You pass. You were able to start fighting for your friends after stopping, much like the first generation I knew. I want to start your training immediately to knock off some of that rust," Ryohei told her. "Now let's go to the EXTREME! I will extremely help you!"

"WHAT THE HECK!?" Hayaki yelled. "That fight didn't even last two minutes!"

Tsuyuki put a hand on Hayaki's shoulder. "But that's good. Not only did he pass her but she didn't have to break her promise for long. And now she can go back to being her cheery self."

"I guess," she mumbled back.

'Tsuna would have said that with a sarcastic remark,' Lion thought as he observed the female version of his partner and best friend. 'They are different, but maybe the important parts are the same.'

Lion also noticed that she had a worried expression before and during the fight.

"Well, with that settled," Reborn said. "Ryohei and Ryomei, you two can start training, and the cat can go back to get back to that Dame student of mine and bring the next Guardian. Colonello show him where to go."

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