Naruto knew that even that wouldn't help the green-clad in much, so he forced a little bit of chakra into his weight. 'That should be enough!' The blond thought as a grin came to his face. Slowly the sickly looking Proctor stepped forward. "If both ninjas are ready, let the battle between Naruto Uzumaki and Rock Lee begin." The man said with a few coughs and jumped away. Instantly the two blurred from sight and began.

"Where'd they go!?" Kiba yelled as he looked around frantically. Most of the others were in a similar state as they too were looking in every direction. "Keep quiet, this is most interesting!" Neji barked as his Bakugan was just able to keep up. Aside from Neji, the only ones who could see what was happening were the sensei and Naruto's team.

Down in the arena, the two genin were quickly trading blows all across the room, neither one gaining the upper hand. "Come on Lee I know you can hit harder than that!" Naruto's voice filled the air as the two never stopped moving. As if an answer to the challenge booms sounded through the air, as the two's fist filled with even more force.

"Lee has gotten much, faster Guy-sensei. I can hardly keep an eye on these two." Neji grumbled as he admitted this fact. Suddenly the two stopped moving altogether. Lee looked out of breath, but unharmed. Naruto though had a grin still on his face, as he looked Lee in the eye. "So Lee you got anything besides high-speed taijutsu, cause it looks like that's not gonna work on me!" Naruto asked as he slowly walked forward, seemingly unfazed by anything that had happened up to this point.

"I am sorry to disappoint Naruto, but I do not!" Lee called, as he stood to his feet, still trying to catch his breath. Naruto frowned slightly before he stopped his movements. "Then why keep fighting if you know you stand no chance?" The blonde ninja asked in wonder.

Lee looked down for a second, almost saddened by this question. "The reason is very simple. I will prove that even without the use of ninjutsu and ginjutsu, I can be a great ninja!" Lee yelled as he quickly jumped forward. This time, however, he was much slower than before. So slow in fact that Naruto didn't even move till the very last second and even then he simply tilted his head to the side slightly.

"You've run outta steam Lee, just give up!" TenTen called as she leaned over the railing. Guy, on the other hand, was frowning behind his team, trying to come up with a plan. His hands were clenched at his sides, shaking slightly, he took a slow step forward. "Lee, use the gates!" Guy called as his students looked at him as if he were crazy.  Lee's eyes widened for a second before a grin formed on his face. "Thank you Guy-sensei!" Lee yelled back as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

At first, nothing happened, but after a few seconds, the air itself began to feel heavier. 'Hm, what's he doing?' Naruto thought as he tilted his head to the side slightly. Soon after Lee's face turned a dark shade of red, as he was yelling at the top of his lungs. Maybe a second later Lee's veins were bulging out at an alarming rate. "FIFTH GATE: GATE OF LIMITS, OPEN!" Lee yelled as he threw his arms to his sides.

"This will be a completely different fight now Naruto!" Lee once again yelled as he leapt forward, the ground crumbling under his steps.

With Zulu

"Shit he got fast all of a sudden! How the hell is that even possible Kakashi-sensei?" Zulu questioned as he watched the fight in interest. Never before had Zulu heard a Jutsu able to boost one's speed at that rate. Sadly, however, Zulu would have to wait for his answer as Kakashi was busy glaring Guy. "Guy!?" Kakashi growled as he stepped toward his long-time rival. Not knowing quite what to say Guy simply stood still as if he had turned to stone.

"Why did you teach him that when you know it could kill him?" Kakashi demanded with a fire in his lone visible eye. Guy slowly raised a hand and pointed at the two in the arena, almost as if saying he wouldn't answer any of his questions. 

Back In Arena 

Lee was moving at breakneck speed, trying to make Naruto lose sight of him. That was not going to happen since no matter where he went Naruto's eyes followed him. To Lee, it was most unnerving as even Neji couldn't keep up with him at this speed and yet Naruto was doing it with no problem. 'This is not good, but I can't waste time!' Lee thought and burst forward, right for Naruto. 

Within the next ten seconds, Lee was once again on the defence as Naruto quickly realised how dangerous this Jutsu was. The strain on Lee's face was all Naruto needed to see to figure that out.  "I'm sorry about this Lee but I'm gonna have to end this fast!" Naruto said as he ran through a quick set of hand seals. Once he had finished his hands glowed a dull shade of blue. 'Why would he do this to himself?' Naruto thought before slamming his palm into the downed Lee, sending a pulse of wind chakra through his body. 

One loud scream of agony later and the match was over, but even as it was over Naruto made no moves to leave. "I'm sorry Lee, but when you wake up you'll find out if what I did worked or not!" Naruto said as he slowly walked back up the stairs to his teammates. Once he had made it to them he noticed Kakashi was glaring at Guy as if he wanted to break his nose. "Why are you looking at Guy-sensei like that?" Naruto asked with confusion in his voice.

"Hell if I know. Lee got that huge boost in power and then this happened!" Zulu said as he high fived Naruto.  Within the next few seconds, Hinata was in Naruto's face. "Naruto what was that last attack?" Hinata asked with a look of worry on her face. She seemed to be worried for Lee though it was pointless for one reason. "Well, all I'm just gonna say it was a gift to help Lee out a lil bit!" Naruto said with his normal grin on his face. That grin was wiped from his face as he yet again smelt snakes in the air.

'Where the fuck is that coming from!? I know it's coming from this room, but where?' Naruto thought as he stopped listening to his friends and started looking around. Even Kakashi couldn't get Naruto to listen to him, which worried everyone there. Naruto on the other hand only had one thing on his mind and that was Orochimaru. 'How is he here and why can't anyone else seem to notice him? Who the hell is it though?' 

Over the next twenty minutes, thoughts like that were all that Naruto could think. Not even the fights that were taking place could distract him from these thoughts. None know what had happened in the arena to get his attention, or until Sasuke's fight had come to an end. He quickly noticed his opponent was another from the leaf dressed in all black. A look around told him that it had been a good fight, but not good enough for him to be interested. Another look at the crowd and Naruto saw a man licking his lips in a very familiar was. "There!" Naruto growled as he vanished and reappeared on the other side of the room, a fist drawn back ready to strike. Naruto struck out with a hard right that most wouldn't be able to see, but only ended up hitting the wall. "I found you, you damned snake!" Naruto whispered with glee.

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