" Oh hell no you don't." Cerise slapped him square on his embracing arm. In my opinion, she should have punched him in the face, but I'm not the one being harassed.

" Hey..." Daring grunted. " I'm just trying to have a good time tonight. Is that hard to ask? Women these days."

The girls glared at my drunk brother. He smiled even wider at the pissed ladies. Cerise balled her hands into fists as Cupid shook her head.

" You know what Daring, let's go." I tugged into his sharp navy tuxedo. If you ask me, he just copied my idea. But I wasn't going to bum myself because of some formal wear while my brother was about to get beat, nope, not on my case. " I think that you had enough fun for the night."

    " But it's almost going to be midnight, all the best things happen at midnight!" Daring whined.

   " Too bad Daring. You're drunk." I dragged Daring. As I walked around to find the entrance door to exit, I found Hunter talking to Ashlynn in a private corner. Do I spoil their romantic moment together to get a drunk brother back home, or don't I?

   I spoil their romantic moment. Sorry Hunter, but I need help. Plus, it's going to strike midnight anytime soon, I bet I'm doing Ashlynn a favor.

    As I reached them I coughed for their attention. They both faced me with a horrid look. Well, not at me, at Daring of course.

   " What happened to him?" Ashlynn pointed as Hunter made the catholic cross motion. " Is he...drunk?"

    " Poor child." Hunter said as watched in horror. Daring smiled.  " I think that we should take him to our dorm Dexter."

    " That I was going to ask you." I replied. " Where's the exit?"

    " Come on," Hunter smiled as we all went towards the exit. " let's head on home."

We snuck past everyone else in the party so they wouldn't see Daring drunk. It would ruin his reputation, especially Apple's. Luckily, Briar was about to give the party speech so everyone had their attention on her.

We snuck pass Raven, Cupid, and Cerise who noticed us and said their goodbyes. We replied, except Daring who dozed into Daring-land.

We finally reached the fresh air outside the party. The grandfather clock reached midnight.

" Good thing these aren't magical." Ashlynn laughed.

" They aren't?" I asked. " I thought all of your clothes were magical."

" Nope, not all of them. They just poof when I'm late. Not at midnight." Ashlynn replied.

" Sorry for ruining the night for you two." I said. " Apparently my brother just had to be drunk."

   " Oh it's no problem," Hunter responded. " the party was already dying down right when we got there."

   Ashlynn gave a slight nudge in his right arm. We all stopped.

   " I mean, it wasn't bad. But it could of gone better if you know what I mean." he said. " There weren't any vegetarian appetites."

    " Ouch." I yelped. Their vegetarian diet was a struggle. Then we all laughed a bit until we started walking along again.

    " The rest was good though." Hunter replied remembering the main reason it was there in the first place. " I'd celebrate it anyway."

" I wish Daring didn't get drunk so easily. It's going to hurt his relationship with Apple and I don't want that to happen." I stated.

" Sometimes things are meant to get broken and some are meant to be fixed." Hunter sighed.

" I hope Apple didn't notice him." Ashlynn said. " I remember the last time...and it wasn't the fairest sight."

" I remember that..." Hunter soon repeated the catholic cross motion once again.

We all reached our dorm as Hunter opened the door with his keys as I held Daring. I remember when he used to forget his keys at the beginning of the year, it was quite funny to see him scramble inside his book bag searching for his keys. Now he could perfectly take out his keys with his eyes closed by so organized he is.

   He easily opened the door as we entered inside the room. It was a bit messy due to out getting ready hangout by the guys.

   " Ignore the mess." he whispered to Ashlynn.

" Is that a pun?" she asked as she smiled cheekily.

" No..." Hunter replied with a confused look on his face.

I lay Daring on top of my bed, he crashed into passed out mode once he touched the comfy mattress. I breathed deeply as I sat on the edge, my knuckles were stuck out as I folded my hands together. The room was dark just like the night.

Ashlynn and Hunter left once he opened the door for the two of us. They went to the Enchanted Forest at their secret spot to take some fresh air and some peace from the party.

I didn't know if I should leave Daring here at my dorm room and go back to the party and have a good time for a while. Daring slept soundlessly like a baby. Only his small breathing could be heard, not a single other sound.

I looked up at the ceiling, I figured I would get a bit of sleep for the night. I trudged to my resting couch, stole a pillow from my bed, and plopped against the intricate uncomfortable furniture. My eyes closed slightly, my chest escalated slowly and soon lowered repeatedly. The room got darker and darker until I couldn't see anything at all.

The morning sun crept up against my face. My surrounding felt comfy, and as I realized it, I was in a bed. I wasn't sleeping next to my brother though. I softly turned around to see a familiar buffed six pack. I rotated even more to see Hunter's resting face. He looked like he was having a bad dream.

" What?" I softly mumbled. Apparently the mumbling woke Hunter up.

" Oh...I forgot you slept there Dex." he smiled. " I saw you...sleeping uncomfortably...on the couch...so I...took-" his speech was cut off as he zoned back to sleep once again.

" Thanks..." I whispered. " thanks again."

Hey everybody! Here's the fourth chapter! See you in the next one!
See ya!

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