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My mornings are always bad well you can tell I'm not a morning person but whatever today no matter what is the worst day of my life you know . I am leaving my home , my country , my love huh but it doesn't matter to any one here not my parents , siblings or even my uncle and aunt they all are excited to leave . Well no one has there friends or even boyfriend who you have been in a relationship with for a year here . I mean I have lived my whole life here and now suddenly they want to leave .

Well this whole thing started when my aunt and mom started to ramble about Mumbai and how much they miss India . I mean I love India but I love Australia it's my home .

"Nandini !! Nandu!! , come down fast we have to leave " Mom shouted from downstairs well I guess it's time to say goodbye . I dragged myself away from my love of my life AKA my bed . I showered and got ready I just grabbed boyfriend jeans and t-shirt written on it "am I famous ?" My favourite top .

" Nandini Avinash Singhania this is the last warning I'm giving you better come down or your breakfast is going to your brothers " the first words she said I knew she was going to chew me alive but when she said she was giving my food to my brothers I rush down because nobody means nobody takes my food .

As reached there and breathed out as I saw my food was save I went and took and food and shoved my breakfast as fast as I could .

"Nandini don't choke and eat slowly I'm not giving your food to your brothers " Mom said and she came back from kitchen with orange juice.

I heard my brothers snickering and I knew I need to take revenge from them but now I just glared at them and was back on my food .

"No brother they are devil of spawns " I muttered well I thought I was not loud but well they heard me anyway .

"Hey" they said but I chose to ignore them . I was just thinking about how I'm going to survive in India .

I have college and everything decided and got in already . Well I guess that's the advantage to be the daughter of the rich father who owns the best law firm and an uncle who own high end jewellery manufacturing and seller . Well yeah it's sad to leave to Australia .

"Nandini get in the car we are leaving the plane is ready at the airport , come on fast " my dad said me and my devil brothers . Both of them are older than me and A......

Any way Sammy 25 years old . He works with dad at his company helping him and trying to take over so dad can spend more time at home specially mom .

Them there is Rudra 22 years old , well he is also helping uncle and dad in their business. Then there is my first cousins Aarush and Arnav.
Well they are like 6 -7 years older to me but I love them anyways .

Well Arush is the oldest from all of us . He has a wife who is like a sister to me . Elena she is an Australian but I'm telling you she is an Indian lover . She is also pregnant can you imagine it . And there is Arnav the player brother I don't even think he will get a girl any time soon or never with the speed he is changing his girls .. well but he is a good brother no matter what .

"Nandini ... Nandini !!! We are here " someone shakes me from my thoughts .
" um yeah" I'm still thinking about all this mess ... I got out of the car and I got a call Ian .. my boyfriend oh god .

" I'll be there just a second " I said and went little away from my family and answered the call .

"Hello . . .. hey Ian .."
"Nans .. I-I think this is not going to work .. I- I mean this l-long distance thing you know "
I knew this day will come we are not that strong ...

"Okay " I whispered and hang up the call . I wiped my tears and took a deep breath and went toward my family...

"Lets go " I told them and we board our private plane and I just took the seat at the last and just closed my eyes and blocked everyone out .
Me and Ian were first play dates with each other . We use to be the cutest as others says . Well later we were great kindergarten friends , then friends through your high school but at the senior year starting he proposed me and I said yes . He was my first love . He was my rock . Well I guess we are not anymore . Ugh let's forget about him ..... this is gonna be a long flight .... in an hour or so I went to sleep ....

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