Snowflake (A Jelsa Fanfic)

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MUSIC: Winter Sleep by Olivia


   As soon as her little sister fell to the ground, little Elsa knew things were going to be more complicated after that.

   Yes, things had already been complicated way before the accident. Growing up in Arendelle, things weren't exactly easy for her.

   "Mama! Papa!" She cried. The lights from her parents’ bedroom suddenly turned on. They rushed quickly down the long flight of stairs and saw their two daughters lying on top of a blanket of snow. They knew sooner or later that an accident was bound to happen. Anger wasn't the solution at that moment for they knew that their daughter Elsa had an uncontrollable power and being angry at her would not fix the problem.

   "What happened?" The mother wrapped her arms around Elsa while her father lifted Anna in his arms. He ordered the servants to have the carriage ready as soon as possible.

   Elsa was in tears. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. She chanted nervously in her head. If only Anna hadn't invited her to play that night, she could have been sleeping by now, safe in her own bedroom. She tried to save her sister but Anna was too fast.

   "It's my fault," she whispered, pressing her head to her mother’s chest, tears were still streaming down her cheeks. "I almost killed her. I'm a monster."

   Her mom cupped both her cheeks and whispered, "No, you're not, Elsa. You are not a monster. Always remember that."

   It was still dark when the royal family finally came back to Arendelle. The King and Queen travelled into the deep forest to seek the help from Trolls to save their injured daughter. Magic was used and Elsa saw how they healed and carefully removed the memories from her sister Anna.

   "We're sorry, Elsa," the King said to his daughter, refusing to make eye contact with her. "There is no other choice but to keep you here in your room.”

   "But, papa, I can't—”

   “It’s for the best, Elsa,” the King whispered and slipped out of the room with tears in his eyes. They all knew that it was wrong to keep Elsa hidden in her room but the King had ordered it, in fear that another accident might happen if he doesn’t put a stop to it.

   The queen sensed the sadness in her daughter’s eyes for that wasn’t the answer she was expecting. She hugged her daughter and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "It's okay, Elsa. Until we can find a solution to this, you have to stay in here for the mean time, where you're safe."

* * *

   Elsa woke up the next morning, her head dizzy for the first time like she had walked around in circles the whole night. She just had this really weird dream of her and another boy. She couldn't remember a lot of things from her dream but she does recall small details, like how the boy almost resembled her, except he looked a few years older. He had striking blue eyes, pale skin and hair as white as the snow. He carried a staff with him as he played with her outside in the snow. For some unexplainable reason, the boy in her dream made her a little... Happy.

   She stared at the frosted window for a moment before slipping out of the covers. It was snowing outside. Elsa sighed, placing her hand on the window. She couldn't see anything since the window was covered with thick frost. To her surprise, a drawing of a smiley face suddenly appeared on the window. She yelped, taking a step back.

   "What was that?" She whispered as she leaned closer to the window, her heart pounding nervously.

   Elsa thought she was going crazy when a faint voice in her head whispered, "It's me."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2014 ⏰

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