Spencer woke up one someone touched him. He slowly came to be awake and he started to hear voices of people around him. "Are you okay sir? Help is on the way." A lady told him. "Yeah I'm fine, thank you."

He stood up looking around his surroundings; in the distance he could hear his phone ringing. He stooped to pick it up off the ground. 

"Hello?" He gently rubbed his eye to get rid of the headache. "Garcia Y/n is gone someone took her!" His panic set in and he started getting hysterical. "I don't know where she went." He told Garcia.

"Okay okay, stay there the team is coming to you." Garcia told him 

"I'm trying to teach them a lesson about messing with my family." You rolled your eyes before squeezing them shut. "Hey! Stay awake! I need you to stay woke for this next part."

"What next part?" Your eyes shot open. 

The team pulled up in their SUVs rushing to meet Spencer who was in the bookstore. Morgan was the first to get out to meet him. "Reid what happened?" He asked.

"I-i came here cause I was worried about Y/n, I saw her phone in the store so I thought she was in the back, but her store said closed. I pulled out my phone to call her and then I was tasered in the side." He pulled up his shirt so he could show his mark. 

"Reid it's okay, we're going to find her." Morgan put a hand on his shoulder. 

Spencer couldn't help but let the tears fall down his cheeks. He didn't want to think about anyone hurting you.

The man brought a bucket in; it was full of what you believed to be water. He pulled a cloth from his back pocket and put it over your face. You fought to get away from your torture that was about to take place.

"Please! Please no!" You stopped trying not to show your fear that was building inside you from the beginning. "Plea-" You were cut off by water going down your throat with force. He did this two more times until you were coughing up other liquids. 

The team was close to finding a break in the case, but Spencer's head was not in the game. He couldn't stop thinking about you and what you were going through because of him. 

"Spencer you should take a break, you aren't thinking right." Emily pressed him on. 

"I can't help thinking about what she's going through right now because of me." He wiped another tear away. "She means everything to me." Spencer left the area to go into the bathroom.

You were tired and your throat was hurting. You tried to think on the positive side and not on the negative. 

"Time for another session." The man walked back into the room holding a gun and a knife. "You are going to do something for me or it's simple, you die."

"What do you want?" You cried out into the empty abyss. You were done and you wanted to die instead of living, but where would that leave Spencer? 

"Call him and the team right now." He put the phone to your ear and held it there.

The team had made a major break in the case and now they were on their way to get you. Spencer felt his phone buzz so he took it out and answered it. He thought it was Garcia at the moment. "Garcia?"

"No, Spence it's me." You said. 

"Y/n!" Spencer quickly connected everyone to the call. "Are you okay sweetie?"

"Y-Yeah I just want to let you know that I love you." You held back the sobs. "And I will always love you no matter what."

"Y/n just stay in there we're coming for you." Spencer begged. 

"I don't think I can do that Spencer, but just in case I don't get to see you; promise me you won't mourn over me, promise me you'll move on and have a life, promise me that you don't blame yourself for this. Do you promise?" You were sobbing now along with Garcia who was literally sobbing. The others had tears coming out while Spencer was slowly falling apart.

"Spencer do you promise me?" You wept.

"Yes I promise, Y/n I promise." He told you.

"I love you so much Spencer Reid; don't you ever forget that."

"I love you too Y/n Y/l/n." 

There was a silence before the gun fire. Spencer broke down in a pit of cries and sorrow. The rest of the team was also in a sad pain. 

They pulled up to an abandoned building that they believed the unsub had you stranded in. They went in cautiously and took their time. 

"Dr. Reid!" the man got Spencer's attention. Spencer sighed in relief that you weren't dead after all. He had a knife aimed in your side stomach. He had taken you down from your harness.

"You took away my son, I take away your happiness." 

"Wait we can talk about this." Spencer told him. He was stalling in time for backup to come. 

"Too late." He shoved the knife into you. "No!" Spencer shouted.

 Morgan shot the man in the head from behind Spencer. You fell to the ground gasping and grabbing at your side. Morgan called for a medic while Spencer rushed to your side.

"Spencer it hurts." You wailed.

"I know baby I know, but please stay with me." You shook in pain. Spencer brushed your hair back while he held you. The medics came in, and managed to stop the bleeding and patch you up. 

"We're taking her to the hospital, you can ride in the back." The medic said. They put you to sleep so you weren't talking or even awake.

At the hospital they took you to surgery. Spencer waited for them to get done.

"Pretty boy is she alright?" Morgan asked.

"She's in surgery, but I think she's going to make it."

JJ pulled him in for a hug along with Emily, Rossi, Hotch, and Garcia. "Thank you guys for everything."

"Y/n is like family to us you guys are our family Spence." JJ said.

When you came out of surgery Spencer was the first to see you. "Hey, how do you feel?"

"Like I got stabbed." You let out a ragged chuckle that hurt. Spencer tried to lean down and kiss you, but you stopped him.

"You have morning breath." You smiled, but Spencer frowned and smelled his breath. "I'm kidding Spencer you can kiss me." Spencer shook his head and kissed you.

A/N: I made myself cry when I wrote this, I hope that it made you guys cry too. Also sorry if it's too long, I needed to fit a lot in it for it to make sense. Hope you liked, please comment if you did, I'd love to hear feedback for this one. :-) 

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