"Oh, I was talking to my friend," Lucy makes an excuse, "getting updates on your phone."

"Is it nearly fixed?" Vero asks. "When will I get it?"

Since it'd been a week, if Vero can make it through the Quidditch match without saying anything vulgar to Lauren, the younger girl had promised that she'll give Lucy the phone. Lauren had mentioned the other night that she'd fixed it, but she was ready to reverse the process at a moment's notice.

"She said she might be able to get it to me after the match," Lucy says, heading to the storage cupboard to grab her broom. "We'll just have to see."

"Alright, tell her I said thanks," Vero smiles at her as Lucy gets her broom for her. "Now let's kick Slytherin butt."

Lucy smiles at her friend and they head out to the pitch to meet the rest of their team. Vero, who's the team captain, shakes hands with the Slytherin captain, Normani Kordei, and Madam Hooch blows the whistle. Lucy kicks off from the ground, flying past Lauren and calling out a quiet, "I'm rooting for you, Lo."

She sees Lauren smile, and is glad that her friend heard her, but pushes Lauren from her mind as she grabs the Quaffle off a Slytherin Chaser and throws it in Vero's direction. Even though she wants Lauren to get the Snitch, it doesn't mean that she can't play to win.

After a few goals to both Ravenclaw and Slytherin, Ravenclaw are in the lead by twenty points – they're on forty but Slytherin are at twenty – but the game is still all to play for.

After scoring another goal for Ravenclaw, Lucy searches the pitch and sees Lauren in the far corner, looking around for the Snitch. She smiles – her friend looks so adorable – but she pushes that thought from her mind. She can't think of Lauren like that.

"Lucy, watch out!"

When she hears Vero's voice, Lucy snaps back into reality to see a bludger coming her way. She knows she's not going to be able to dodge it; unless a Beater pops up in front of her, she's screwed. The thing will tail her otherwise.

Lucy tries ducking, but the bludger alters its course and heads straight for her, and she thinks she'd rather not see it coming. It feels like it's inches from her face when she closes her eyes, but the hit never comes.

"And- what?" She hears the commentator's voice. "Okay, uh, Lauren Jauregui of Slytherin just took a bludger for Lucy Vives of Ravenclaw. Is that- is that allowed?"

When Lucy opens her eyes, she sees Lauren rubbing her shoulder, and immediately flies over to her before the Slytherin captain, Normani, can shout at her. "Laur, are you okay?"

"Fine," Lauren mumbles, "just... hit me a little. Nothing's broken."

"Good," Lucy blinks at her in surprise, "why the hell did you do that?"

"It would've knocked you out!" Lauren argues. "And I didn't- it wouldn't have been a fair match otherwise..."

Lucy sends her a small smile, and reaches out and squeezes Lauren's hand. "I'll check that out in the room of requirement later. See if I can find a charm that prevents bruises."

"Okay," Lauren smiles at her. "Now go and get the Quaffle."

"You go and get the Snitch," Lucy says, "and Lauren? Thank you."

"You're welcome," Lauren says, and flies off, not looking all that in pain. Lucy really hopes that she isn't hurt.

She flies back over to Vero, who sends her a puzzled look as the other Ravenclaw Chaser throws her the Quaffle. Lucy dodges the Slytherin Chasers and throws the ball through the left hoop, hearing cheers from the Ravenclaw side and boos from the Slytherins.

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