* ⭐ Lizette Meadow ⭐ *

Start from the beginning

She confronted the Alpha and shoved him in the chest and said have you even spent time with your mate lately. He took her hands off and said what do you mean? Liz growled and said you're on edge because your mate isn't happy, do I have to scream it in your ear to get through.

She's your true mate and being overworked to keep everyone fed. Look at your mate, she thinks you don't care about her. She slugged him again and said she thinks you are looking at the sluts you bring to the pack and will chose one to mate with.

He snarled she's my mate and I would never. Liz snorted and said then why is she in this state? You're not taking care of your mate because your too busy being the pimp. He snarled shut your face I am not. She huffed and said when was the last time you kissed your mate and I don't mean a stupid peck on the cheek? When was the last time you pampered your mate and told her you loved her to the moon and back? When was the last time you and your mate spent time alone?

She kicked him in the leg and said from the look on your face it has been too damn long. That is disgusting Alpha Roy, she is the heart of the pack, the heart of the pack isn't well and you are too busy seeing the females all get fat and lazy, lying in their beds while your mate slaves over hot stoves in the kitchen.

Even the god damned doctor is focused on keeping the females pregnant and not healing those who need what he is supposed to use those degrees he has for.

Doctor Grant huffed and said that's not what I'm doing. Liz yelled oh yes it is, I had to argue with you to get my shots, all your mind was focused on was on getting me pregnant and not on my health now. Your mind is on those females in the pack house getting fat and lazy, getting them pregnant to have babies. That you don't give a shit about those of us that aren't in any shape to get pregnant.

He leaned and growled in her face instead of seeing or hearing her words, knowing she was telling the truth. She yelled examine the Luna and quit growling at me or like I said, do I have to take her to a truly qualified doctor at a hospital?

Alpha Roy yelled enough, Doctor Grant. Examine my mate, I need her healthy. Liz grunted and crossed her arms. She moved to the Luna and kissed her cheek before saying I'll be outside the door, if this doctor and your mate won't help you, I will. I will take you to the hospital and I will feed you. Because Luna, I don't think you've been taken care of the way you should be. You look pale and lost weight. She hugged the Luna and said and I'll even kick both their asses for you if need be.

Alpha Roy winced and ordered the doctor to help his mate or he will get a new doctor in that will. Dr Grant huffed and said of course Alpha.

Liz moved outside the room still not happy. She then rushed upstairs muttering god damn pack. She headed into the kitchen and huffed before saying when was the last time any of you saw the Luna eat?

They stopped and stared before groaning oh god. Liz said exactly, she needs food, can someone please see that a tray is made up for her. They looked her over and said you as well? She rubbed her growling belly and said me too, not much as I'm planning on stealing the Luna and taking her out. I would take all of you as you all look overworked. I would suggest you order in and if they don't like it, you can scream back at them you haven't had a day off in too damned long.

They sagged against the counters and said we are tired. Liz grunted and said yeah, that's what I thought. You need help. I would but I'm not at best right now. She looked at them all and said I would say call in help, you have all these extra people to feed, constantly needing food. What if you all get sick being overworked. The pack wouldn't care, they would just order you back to work without seeing what all this hard work they are putting on you.

She hugged them all and said get help in here fast. Order food brought in and take it easy. They can all go out and eat if they don't like what you brought in. To hell with them ladies, it's time for a day off.

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