Introduction: Disney Has a Point

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If you're reading this because:

*You're Bored

*Looking for a good book

*Or you plainly just have to read a book for school


But, if you think you're onto something, that you're one of us. Put the book down. Click that little X at the corner of your computer and begin reading something else. Because once the Monarchy figures out you're alive, that you ACTUALLY exist, there's no turning back, no ignoring this, and in some cases, it may cost you your life. I'm not usually like this. You people just really needed a heads up. I mean- Safety First, right? Ok, that was a really Disney thing of me to say. All right, Jane keeps telling me to hurry up and stop typing. Okay, okay.... well, anyways, as James Bond would say," I've said too much, already," and then he would turn away from you and walk away. You would say something like," No, wait don't go!" or ,"PLEASE! I'm begging you!" and he would continue on with the story. But, that's not how things work around here. My story begins with two words, my name actually.

Joey Patterson.

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