"Doggy, fetch!" Papyrus spat, pointing in your direction.

And yes, you would admit, that Sans seemed to take on the likeliness of a dog, being a calm and obedient soldier.

That was, until he starting morphing.

His snout elongated into an ominous triangular shape. Red wisps flared around his pupils that seemed burn with a mind of their own. A tail - at least three feet long - emerged from his back, whipping angrily at the sight of you.

There was little time to react, however, because he was already knocking you the ground, jaws clamped around your throat...

Hey [Y/N]! Did you miss me?!

You woke with a high-pitched scream escaping your lips. You began to claw desperately around your throat, as if Sans' jaws were still clamped around them, still squeezing the life out of you.

Sans, who had been resting his head against you, woke with a start. You noticed that his white pinpricks that acted as his eyes vanished into a single glowing red one as if to warn off an approaching attacker. Is everyone so on edge in the Underground that they wake in fear?

"[Y/N]?" He flashed you a concerned glance and placed a bony hand on your cheek.

"I fell down here. We can escape this place together!"

With another shriek, you pried yourself away from his touch and brought your knees to your chest. "I-I killed her!" you let out a choke sob and buried your head in your knees. There was a faint shuffling sound as Sans brought himself closer to you. "In my..." Was
nightmare even the right word to describe what had happened?

Of course, you had had plenty of nightmares before. You had replayed the scene of you walking into the village to discover the heads of your family members mounted on stakes countless times. Sometimes they had been singing, smiling at you. Come and join in the fun [Y/N]!

But this, whatever this was, it had been so much more than a nightmare. It had been vivid, more so than any other nightmare or dream you had ever been through. And didn't dreams have the illusion of being dreams? After all, that apparent illusion was what allowed others to distinguish between the land of dreams and the land of reality, right?

But this...

This had been a window into the future.

Events yet to come.

"[Y/N], you're not making any sense!" You felt Sans wrap his hand around you, pulling you closer to him. Gently, he grabbed your head and leaned it against his. There was the light rasping noise of his breathing and immediately, you felt yourself relax. "Breathe, okay?"

"Breathe, okay?"

Sans was leaning over your lifeless form, watching as you raised a shaking hand to brush a lone tear from his face. "A-Always be kind..." you murmured, trying your best to contain the sobs that threatened to escape you.

"Sweetheart, you're not making any sense..."

"Be good..." you whispered and then mumbled another phrase, your last words that would forever go unheard.

"Can you say that last part again?" Sans asked softly, leaning towards you. With a shaking hand, you wrapped him in a feeble hug as you felt your grip on this world loosen. Slowly, your body began to sink in with the ground, creating an imprint of buttercup flowers where you had been lying only seconds ago. "I-I didn't quite catch that."

Sans bent down to press his forehead against yours, but felt air.


Now you were crying, crying harder than you had done ever in your life. Even after your family had been slaughtered, you'd never imagine that you could cry as hard as you did in Sans' lap. "I-I..."

I don't want to die? you thought crudely, a sneer playing your face. Isn't that how I got here in the first place?

"I'm not going to leave you," he whispered into your ear, pulling you against him. You leaned your head against his, silent tears rolling down your face.

And for once, just this once, you were at peace.

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