Chapter Thirteen.

Start from the beginning

I gulped nervously, I was not really excited to meet whoever took me. And he doesn't seem like a nice person if he did what I remember him doing before I passed out. I looked down on the duvet I was sleeping on and my eyebrows furrowed at the bright pink of it. Did he think I was a girl for some reason? I thought. I looked at the wooden, detailed closet in the corner of the room, my curiosity could not be silenced so I ended up standing out of my bed and walking to it. I was a bit reluctant to open it but I did and my mouth dropped in shock and confusion. The closet was filled with women dresses. Not a single men-wear was in sight. I ruffled through the clothes and found that the only suitable thing to wear is a night gown, even then the night gown was not something to be worn for outside the room, that is if I'm allowed out of this room. I closed the door to the closet and heard another one opens. I turned around and found a relatively tall man, his hair is a curly, muted ginger, his face seemed thin and his cheekbones and jaw line seemed to be standing out in his features. He was wearing a black jacket, black trousers, and white lace shirt.

He had a little smirk that made him look like an evil painting. I took an unconscious step back and accidentally hit the closet behind me. He entered the room and closed the door behind him.

"I see you have seen the clothes that were meant for your sister." He offhandedly commented.

"You don't lay your hands on my sister!" I suddenly burst in anger.

I was taken back at that outburst and so did he. I felt too self-conscious over it and I avoided eye contact. I heard him approach the bed then stopped in the middle of it, a few inches away from me.

"Oh, believe me, dear. I do not have a single interest in your sister anymore. You seem like a satisfying substitute." He chuckled.

I snapped my head to look at him. "What do you mean by substitute? Substitute for what exactly?"

He didn't answer right away but he managed to startle a shocked gasp out of me when he flashed to where I was standing, successfully managing in pushing me back into the closet. His hand was in my hair, pushing it back, and his other hand was resting on my waist. I looked at his hungry face as I tried to make sense of what is happening but every time I think I have an idea it seemed to dissolve into nothing.

"Oh, the things I would do to you." He whispered.

"W-who even are y-you?" I whispered back.

That seemed to startle the man. He narrowed his eyes at me and his hand on both my waist and hair seemed to tighten a little. "My name's Adrian. Been a dear friend of Harry, or as he likes to be called these days, Captain Harry." He smirked evilly.

I shook my head no despite my position, "he never asked me to call him by that."

Adrian's lips curled up as he showed one fang to me, expecting me to be scared. "I do not care what he wants you to call him! If you weren't in such a bad health, and the fact that I need you, I would've ended you for trying to be cross with me." He snarled.

I looked at him with bored indifference. There's something about the way he got emotional over Harry that strikes me as weak. I might be taken his emotions for granted, but I could not care less. He groaned and let go of me.

"I honestly can't see what Harry saw in you to pick you out of all the princes in the world! He could have chosen someone decent and not so innocent to ruin like that! Why am I even falling for his childish games!" Adrian rambled as he seemed to be talking to himself.

I was looking at his actions with a raised eyebrow. What does he mean pick me? Did Harry know about me before he kidnapped me and my father? Did he intend to take me or was I just there at the wrong time and place? Those questions swirled in my brain as Adrian left the room, still talking to himself about Harry and his so called game. I sighed and sat back on the bed.

It seemed like everything was catching up with me and I could feel the tiredness creeping in. The softness of the bed did not seem to help push back the sleepiness. I sighed again as I forced my self to stand up and chuck off my dirty clothes. I opened the closet again, I steeled myself against wincing over the colorful dresses and patterns, as I skimmed to the last one that had the night gowns. I looked at it with a pout, it was too sheer. I suddenly was glad that I'm in this and not my sister, my sister would not stand to be in this situation; if it was my sister, I would've probably wouldn't allow it if I could. I reluctantly wore the gown. It felt soft and glided easily on my skin, it almost seemed to not touch my skin, and settled a little above my ankle. I couldn't help the nice feeling that I got once I felt the flowy white silk move as if with invisible strings.

I scolded myself against those thoughts and peeled back the cover and went under it. I was pouting and feeling as if I had no reaction to my situation. It was even stranger that I felt like Harry will come to take me from Adrian any moment now. It's a feeling that almost seemed unexplainable for me to feel it. I turned on my right side and decided to let sleep overtake me instead of dwell on thoughts that would go on forever if I allowed it.


Harry POV:

I could not sleep, let alone think. I wanted to get Louis back in my ship, I would've swam all the way to Adrian's ship just to get Louis back. I refused to define what that meant for me, I guess I would have to face it once I get Louis out of the mess I put him in. He doesn't deserve it, I, on the other hand, do. It was close to dawn and I need to talk to my crew before the sun comes up. I got out of my study and knocked on the wooden crate that I placed by my room, three times to announce a meeting on deck.

I barely waited a minute before the deck was filled with the sailors, waiting for me to talk. I stood in the middle of the deck, looked at the close ones and the ones I could see in the back.

"We are changing courses and head to land." I said in a loud voice, to make sure everyone heard. "I must meet with the other captains in order to try and bring Prince Louis back." I saw Dean and Samuel look at me in surprise at me saying the title of Louis. I don't blame them.

"As soon as you see the first light come over the horizon, you need to start working on the sails and changing the trail. We're heading to Ireland and landing in Crookhaven. Prepare yourself's and the ship too, the weather can be tricky up there." I concluded as I went back into my room, feeling the anxiety settling in.

I have to get Louis back. Who knows what Adrian is planning to do.


A/N: Crookhaven is a real place, if you want you can check it out, but I'll be including some pics in the next chapter. Hope you liked this chapter more action coming your way next chapter which will be posted around Saturday or Monday.





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