"Go Veronica!" I heard a deeper voice yell to my left, encouraging me. I didn't look back to see who it was and just kept going, balancing myself on the ramp just like I watched my other nine teammates do. As I successfully made it up the ramp, I sprinted toward the hole, diving through it without another thought.

Next, I slowed down around the corner, reminding myself that they're sharp turns. Once I turned the corner completely, I took off again, running up the larger ramp provided. The walls guiding me through the course blocked what my vision from the other teams so I didn't know how I stood in the race which made me only run faster. I quickly leaped over a ditch and landed on the other side smoothly. Soon enough, after a few more twists and turns, the slide came into view which would bring me to the point I'd need to crawl. I dove head first into the slide and once I reached the bottom, started to move my legs and arms as quick as they could go. The dirt started to stick to me, making me cringe slightly, but that just made me go faster.

The sooner I get out, the sooner it's over.

Soon enough, I was crawling out of the cramped space and running to the end line, making my team jump up in excitement. None of the other teams were celebrating which made me question if I was the first one out.

As soon as I passed the line, my team raised their hands and screamed, some of the girls attempting to hug me. I shooed their sweaty arms away for me and looked back at the course, noticing two girls crawling out with disappointed looks on their face. The last girl finally appeared after a minute or two, looking completely grossed out and sweaty. Once she passed the end line, the man that started off the game blew his whistle.

"Good job, V!" I turned around, noticing Calum walking towards me. He gave me a wide smile and a high five, looking accomplished. "You completed pretty quick."

I gave him a confused look and rubbed my arm, "Did I?"

Calum nodded and was about to answer back before Ashton grabbed Calum in a headlock, taking him away from me.

"Oh," I pouted watching the two play fight.

"You were really good out there," I looked over to my right and noticed Luke standing there, face slightly red.

I blushed, adding a darker shade of red to my already red face. "Thank you! So were you, Mr. Longlegs," I teased.

"Hey!" He protested before giving me a stern look. "Th-"

Michael cut off Luke, jumping into the conversation and patted my back.

"Way to be, Veronica!" He fist bumped me and shook my shoulder. "I think you were faster than Calum which never happens!"

I looked at Luke for a confirmation, and he soon caught on and nodded towards me, "It's true, Calum is pretty fast."

"I heard Calum is pretty," I giggled quietly as Calum entered the conversation once again, dusting off the dirt that was sticking to his tank and athletic shorts.

"Pretty fast," Luke corrected him, making Calum pout. "But you're also pretty," Luke added, tapping Calum's nose. Cal batted Luke's finger away, making him laugh, and turned towards me.

"So you earned your cabin a celebratory day off tomorrow while the other cabins have to get up quite early, must I say, and clean the Cafeteria," I nodded my head at Calum's words, liking what he was saying.

"Do we have to get up, too?" I heard Michael whisper to Ashton, rocking on his heels.

"Yeah, you guys do," Calum answered him, smirking.

"I'll just wake up on my way out, then," Michael sassed back before leaving the group and walking back to his team.

"I'd better be getting back to the team, too," I bit my lip, stepping forward. "See you guys later?" The three boys nodded and made a path for me to get through.

Camp Hi or Hey (Luke Hemmings Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now