Second Chance Mate

Start from the beginning

We pulled up to my house soon enough and hopped off my baby, locking my helmet under the seat. We walked into my house quickly (thankfully the door was unlocked because I forgot my key this morning) I needed my dads advice on having that guy as a mate. As my luck would have it he was in the living room on the sofa watching some tv , good I don't have to look for him now.

"Daddy" I whined flopping on the couch beside him

"Yes little wolf?" He asked in a worried tone facing me, cutting off the TV completely

"I dumped my first mate only to find my second chance mate all in one day" I whined

" of course I'm glad you dumped that piece of shit Alpha our alliance with that pack is no more.... but who is your second chance mate and their rank? also shouldn't you be happy? Are they not Alpha blood?" He asked that last part really worried

"Well they have the rank of Beta but he is pure Alpha blood like us mate is Taven Vincent Clark and no I'm not happy one bit" I whined again giving him the puppy dogs eyes

"Ok so other than needing a new future Beta, I don't understand what's the problem?" He asked confused "He's a great guy in my eyes, a little rough around the edges....but hey so was I and your mom straightened my ass out real quick" He chuckled at the memory of him and my mom

"He treated me like shit the past two years I was away daddy, I don't want to have to forgive him so easily and I don't want him as my new mate," I whined again

"Well that's who the moon goddess see's for you to be with little wolf, she only gives the bond to those who wolves call to one another.... you two complete each other in some way, shape or form, deal with it even I can't change it" he said in a stern voice but laced with amusement

" but daddy he's your pups mate" I whined again but smirked mentally knowing this would break him as my dad is very over protective of me

"Your right, I'll invite him over for dinner tonight so we can know what I'll invite the whole family, so Tazi get comfortable" he smirked

"DADDY!!!!" I screamed running up to my room slamming my door shut, while I heard him and Taz laughing at me.

[i know what he did to us Maze but could we please give him a chance, he is our mate the last one we will ever get in life] Cam pleaded

[no....I don't want him as my mate he's just like Sean if not worse now, we can do better] I said pissed

[maybe he has changed or something bad happened to him to act that way towards us, you can't be so quick to judge him] she whimpered

[Cam I said no....he will never get to hurt me and break my heart again, I can't take much more] I snapped

[fine....for now but I won't let you give up on him just yet] she growled cutting our link

Stubborn ass wolf I have, I know him and he hasn't changed and never will. I was interrupted with my thoughts as Tazi entered my room.

" looks like the omega's have been working hard putting your room together while we were at school" She said softly knowing I was pissed but not at her

"I didn't notice....too busy being pissed over my new mate" I said just as soft

"Well let's get you out of that funk...I see no clothes in your closet that u can fit, so you know what that means?" She smiled

"SHOPPING!!" We squealed

I ran to my suitcase pulling out my no limit black card, showing it to her as she smiled.

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