"Princess..." he said in a morning voice, my skin slightly muffling his words. "Keep doing that." He murmured. What? Ah. I started moving my fingers again in his hair and he groaned. "Yes..." He spoke and I chuckled. J did not only enjoy me calling him 'daddy', he enjoyed me touching his hair. How cute. And no one knew this, except me.

"Good morning.." I said softly and felt him smile against my skin. He took my hand away from his hair and rose up above me.

"Hey there, angel." He spoke and kissed my lips. "What do you wanna do today?" I shrugged my shoulders with a smile and he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I don't know." I honestly replied. J smiled at my happy state and situated himself behind me on the bed, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Isn't that a pretty view, angel?" He whispered in my ear and i nodded my head in reply. "We could do anything you want, baby, anything... It's just the two of us in a big house for a long while..."

"Speaking of, J... How long are we going to be here?" I asked, speaking slowly.

"As long as you want." J replied, making me smile even wider. We stayed silent for a while, not speaking, not doing anything, just... laying there, enjoying each other's company. We had nowhere to go, nothing to do, we owned time itself. It didn't even matter what time it was now.

"J?" I spoke up. He hummed in a low tone in response, making me giggle. "Do you know how to make pancakes?"

"Pancakes?" J laughed. "Me?"

"Yeah, you." I said, turning around to him. "I'm sure taking care of business isn't the only thing you know how to do. And I know you love pancakes."

"I do, I love your pancakes, angel."

"Don't give me puppy eyes, J." I said, but his blue eyes continued staring at me with silent begging. "I know you want me to make them, but this vacation is about us, isn't it?" J nodded. "So, we should do it together." I stated. "What do you say?"

"Alright, princess." He said. I threw my arms in the air as I sat up, smiling.

"But you got lucky cause Daddy's in a good mood this morning." He said as I walked over the room to the door. I stopped when I didn't hear him follow and looked over my shoulder, my hand on the wall.

"Aren't you going to join me?" I said with a smirk, raising an eyebrow. J growled and got up from bed in a hurry, but I was already out the door.

"You better catch me!" I said, making my way down the stairs in a jog. He loved to play cat and mouse with anybody, but especially me. I reached the first floor and stopped in my tracks. There were hundreds of roses in bouquets all over the floor. I gasped, just as I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and lift me up in the air. I yelped, giggling uncontrollably, my hands flying around.

"Gotcha." J whispered in my ear before putting me back on my feet. I turned to him and gestured with my hand to the roses.

"Did you do this?" I asked.

"Yes, angel." He said. "Nobody else could have." J smiled wide at me, baring all his metal teeth.

"Thank you, but... were do we put them? They'll die if they're not in water."

"No worries, they are already in vases full of water." I chuckled.

"Let's just start making those beloved pancakes of yours." I then said and made my way into the kitchen. "Do we even have any f-" I began to say, opening the fridge, but then I saw the huge amount of food that was there and stopped my sentence. "Jesus Christ..." I mumbled. "There's so much food!"

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