The Perfect Proposal. (HTTYD)

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This one takes place in the twenty first century.

The three characters in this story are Amy, Dan Amy's boyfriend, and Cassandra Amy's best friend.

You don't have to have watched How to Train Your Dragon to read this, the only mention is the song in the second movie which is below if you want to listen to it.

The three characters in this story are around 25.



Dan and I have been dating since tenth grade. So that is about seven years.

I am a huge How to Train Your Dragon fan, and Dan is perfectly okay with that. He is nice enough to watch it over and over with me, and I think he secretly likes the show.

When we watched the second movie for the second time Dan surprised me by having my dance to For the Dancing and the Dreaming. Although now I think he might regret it because I now drag him off of the couch to dance with me when ever we watch the movie.

Today I am with my best friend Cassandra. We are walking through the park talking about the perfect proposal and wedding, again. We do this quite often, we have done this since high school. Although our talking is manly squeals that nobody else but us can understand.

Once we get to my favorite spot at the park I spot Dan. "Hey, Amy. Isn't that Dan?" Cassandra says. "Yeah, it is. Let's go say hi." I tell her starting to walk over to him.

He looks up from his phone with a smile on his face. He sets his phone down next to his mini speaker and a song starts to play.

I gasp as I recognize the song.

Dan starts to whistle with Stoick. I faintly hear Cassandra say "Oh, I love this one."

I am standing there shocked as Dan reaches me and says "Remember our song Ames." I have a smile on my face trying to get out words but none come out.

Then he starts to sing which gets a squeak from me.

"I'll swim and sail on savage seas, with ne'er a fear of drowning."

I have my right hand hovering over my lips with my left hand at my side.

"And gladly ride the waves of life, if you will marry me."

I gasp and look into his eyes. He grabs my hand and holds it softly.

"No scorching sun, nor freezing cold will stop..."

Cassandra squeals and sings "Will stop me on my jour...ney." She stops and gets loads of looks from the crowd that had formed. "Sorry."

Dan continues. "If you will promise me your heart. And love..." He trails and looks into my eyes waiting for me to continue.

He sighs and turns, just to hear me sing "And love me for eternity." He looks like he is the happiest person alive at the moment. Like he would cry at any second.

Now we start the dance. "My dearest one, my darling dear, your mighty words astound me. But I've no need for mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me."

Dan picks up where I left off with a happier voice. "But I would bring you rings if gold, I'd even sing you poetry!"

"Oh, would you?" He was never one for poetry.

"And I would keep you from all harm if you would stay beside me!"

Loads of the crowd has started to clap to the beat.

"I have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry. I only want your hand to hold."

"I only want you near me." We both start to sing together with laughs along the way.

Cassandra started to dance as well, but she made sure she was off to the side.

"To love and kiss, to sweetly hold. For the dancing and the dreaming. Through all life's sorrows and delights, I'll keep your love inside me."

Cassandra got a group of kids, teens, and some adults that obviously knew the song, to dance with her.

"I'll swim and sail on savage seas with ne'er a fear of drowning! And gladly ride the waves of life if you would Mary me!"

While Dan spins me, Cassandra got her group to join in and hold out "Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, we're still going! We're done."

Dan puts me down and get on one knee pulling out a ring box. "Will you marry me, Ames?"

"Of course I will you muttonhead!" I exclaim wrapping him up in a hug.

The crowd bursts into claps. The loudest being from Cassandra's group.

I looked at her and asked "Did you know about this?"

"Of course I did you muttonhead!" She exclaims.

As I break my hug with Dan and hug Cassandra.

"Thank you Cass. This was perfect. I can tell that you helped him out." I tell her breaking the hug.

"Well I did threaten him that if he did anything else I was going to feed him to the wolves, because ever since high school this was your dream proposal." She tells me

"She isn't lying. She actually threatened to feed me to the wolves if I did anything different, because this is moment you have dreamed of since high school." Dan says with a frightened look in his eye.

"I love you guys. You know that." I tell them

"You love me more. Right." Dan says.

Cass and I look at each other and laugh. "Keep on dreaming, Dan." Cass tells him.

"I will. Every night. If that is what will make my beautiful Amy happy." He say.

I smile and let out a small laugh. I give him a quick kiss while Cass mutters "Suck up."


How was my first one shot?

Any suggestions for others?

They don't have to be from any fandom, but at the same time they could be.


Until Next Time....


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