"I'm really nervous about tonight Sky." Dianna said, adjusting her knee-length fish-net tights that were one of the few things that made up their stripping costume.

Tonight was the grand opening of the strip club 'The Tease', the one that had kindly employed them, and this was their first performance ever in front of an audience. The only pole dancing and moves they had done was in training and practice, and the only audiences were the other strippers and their very nice boss. The club stayed closed during winter but the beginning of summer meant the launch of an unforgettable night.

"Don't worry Di. We'll be okay. We've done practice before and we've nailed them." Skylar replied reassuringly, even though she was trying really hard to disguise the butterflies in her exposed stomach.

"It's really weird that once we get out there we can only call each other by our stripper name." Dianna said adjusting her bra to make sure her boobs pop out to the maximum.

Whenever one becomes a stripper, they have to have a name that doesn't show anyone their true identity. For example, Bridgette Ross was another stripper that had been working for 'The Tease' for three years, meaning she was now 21 years old. The club never hired anyone under 18. Bridgette's stripper name was Melody, so basically when she goes out on the stage, the men would be shouting 'Melody!Melody!'

This time it was their names that they will shout.

"The nickname ‘Ice’ really suits you though" Skylar told Dianna, who was now adjusting too her white linen bra. Everybody had the same costume for tonight apart from Melody, the captain stripper, because she would be wearing red.

"I really love Ice. Ice and Fox. We make a great team." Dianna smiled back.

Fox was Skylar's stripper name and she was really looking forward to hear the crowds shouting "Foxy! Ice!" . They really couldn’t believe they were going to do this. They were going to actually to do what they dreamt of doing for two years.

With a small knock on the door, a man entered in their changing room.

"Are you ready girls?" he asked, a walkie-talkie in his left hand.

"Just give us one more minute." Skylar replied to the security man that makes sure that the appropriate audience entered the club and ensures that the props were set up according to plan. Mir.Dellor was a really nice man but, after all, Skylar and Dianna found all the staff as very nice and lovable people. They didn’t look at them as if they were prostitutes or teenagers that were lost in their life and they didn’t know what to do with their selves, like their parents did. They could finally make it official that they were happy.

"Hurry up, the show starts in five minutes,” he shortly replied. And with that they put on their complimentry masks.

Everybody was nervous today because the preparations had been going on till late winter and everybody wanted their work at its absolute best. Few conversations where passed throughout the day and one could finally conclude that Skylar and Dianna were the only two actually passing some few words.

He left the girls to put some finishing touches. They were ordered to sprinkle glitter all over their body, putting major emphasis on their boobs, because the boss told them it would create a better effect on the stage with the light flashing on and off them.

"5 more minute Dianna. We're actually doing this." Skylar said, unable to hide her excitement from her voice. She couldn’t simply just sink in the fact that they were going to do an actual strip performance. Not that they would be like the professionals on the internet or like Melody, but this was just the beginning. And small beginning, have massive endings.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2012 ⏰

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