1. Prologe

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@author note
My dear little readers I can't even tell you how long I've been thinking about putting my story on here. Anyway I really hope you will enjoy reading it and I'm excited to read all of the comments!
And please english isn't my first language so beware of grammar and spelling...YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! :)) Just kidding let's get it started ^^

I looked up. Even though there was a heavy fog scattering over the landscape I could still see the great towers of the black castle. Towering over every building in my sight it somehow always was able to send shivers down my spine. I had often questioned myself if they feel the same way when they took a glance at our fortress. Guess I wouldve never find out. A light knocking sound was heard from the other side of the small door leading into my room. "Princess" The sound of a quiet but determined voice was heard from the other side. I brought my glance away from the window and turned my back to the sinister castle. As I walked to the doorway I felt the soft silk of my dress, which was beautifully bound around my body, on my skin. I reached out for the knob and opened the wooden portal. Standing behind it was a golden-haired young man who gasped for air when he saw me. "Georgious as always my Princess!" I slightly smiled. " Nathaniel how many times do I have to tell you not to call me –princess-? I mean we've known each other since we were kids!" I answered feeling a little embarrassed by his sudden compliment. The corners of his mouth slightly tilted upwards but he remained serious. His eyes met mine. "It's time. Your father is waiting for you." I nodded, walked passed him and began descending the spiral staircase. It didnt took long until we reached the great passageway leading into the throne room but somehow with every step I got more and more anxious.

In front of a heavily decorated gate we finally came to a halt. Nathaniel took my hand and pressed it against his. "Prin.... mean you will definitely get through this!" He let go and presented me one of the brightest smiles I had ever seen on him. I couldnt help but smile back at him before I walked with shivering legs into the ballroom. As soon as I walked in I was greeted by a wave of music, laughter and all the shimmering from the enormous chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. As the musicians saw me enter they immediately stopped their play and I involuntary became the center of attraction. The stares of the people felt like swords; piercing through me with every step I took closer to them. I swallowed the saliva that gathered rapidly in my mouth and tried my best to stay calm. I began to feel dizzy and though that my legs would give away at any moment. At that exact moment Nath reached out for me, lifting his elbow up towards me. I gladly locked arms with him and we slowly made our way through the crowd. Just then a loud voice stopped the suffocating silence. "A toast for my daughter and her 18th birthday! Let the light always be with her!" Our guests lifted up their glasses and repeated the words of my father the majesty cheerfully. "And now musicians play! Let the festivities begin!" My father was proudly standing in front of his throne, smiling at me and giving me a hand signal to come to his side. There were only a couple of meters between us as an earsplitting bang was heard. The time stopped and a dead silence spread in the room. A second explosion was heard and complete chaos broke out. The blasts became regular and the people started screaming. The guardians of the fortress began gathering and grabbing their weapons. Over all that noise I heard the majesty shouting orders. "Stay calm! Guardians protect the castle and citizens please go to the next save haven!" The earth was trembling and I fell to the floor. "Princess! Look out!" I heard Nathaniels scream but it was already too late. The rope that was holding the big chandelier above me snapped. Terrified I watched as it fell towards me picking up speed by the second. My scream echoed across the room. "Nath please save me!" His hysteric gaze was locked on me. The last thing I felt was the tears that ran down my face as the lightsource with full force made contact with the golden flooring.


I know it's kinda short but hope you enjoyed it :))

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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