Chapter 16: Shadow of a Girl

Start from the beginning

If no wind was blowing he had to use his nose. Increase his sense. It's been two weeks. The crew was out searching the treasure. While Darkness was her teaching him about his hidden abilities.

"Assassin attack in plain night. They use everything around them to hide themselves in plain sight, but before that. They had to learn to use abilities others were not aware of." She had told him. Percy was son left on his own as he wondered the darkness.

He was on his own.

He had faced great nightmares as he wondered thought the dense forest on his own. Soon enough he began to uncover what Darkness had meant. His eyes sight had become sharper allowing his to see in the pitch nothingness. He was able to detect thing around 300 meter from where he stood.

"Good." He heard someone say. Percy looked around to see a weird human like creature standing in the dim light. It seemed like a female. Speaking to a male. By the seams of it. They were lovers. Percy acted quickly and hid within the shadows. Listening closely to each word they said. Speaking a weird language that sounded like gibberish to him.

On the other side to both. He saw a familiar face. Darkness. She stood over them both with a scowl. She was within the shadows. As she listening to the words they spoke. She looked up and gave him a nod. Percy returned the nod as he looked back at the two.

'The sword of fear and darkness is within that cave. You must get it.' She mouthed out to him. Percy looked at the woman as she seemed to be scolding the man. Percy took their distraction as an opportunity to sneak past them. Using the shadows around him. He was successfully able to move along without any trouble.

He walked silently through the cave. The sound of water dripping made him even more alert.






The sounds repeated and endless pattern. Percy listened closely as he looked around. It seemed like a normal cave.

'For now,' He thought as he looked around the cave. Drawing on the walls made him freeze. Drawing of people being beheaded. Blood spilled all over. Fears. Nightmares. Weird creatures tearing people apart.

Percy took a deep breath, as he shook his head. Pushing himself to go on any further.

Soon he found himself standing infront of a giant crystal stone. Percy walked towards it carefully.

"If you want the sword. You must first past it's test." A voice spoke up. Percy spun around to see a weird midget standing infront of him.

"What test?" Percy asked looking at the short guy.

The short guy pointed towards a door.

"Face your worst fears. Pick up the sword from the halt. It will show you what you fear most. Percy looked towards the crystal to see the sword at the very top. Doing as told. Percy walked towards the sword. With a shaky hand. He held the halt carefully. Soon his was zapped. And electric feeling ran through his arm. Towards his head. He felt as if he was leaving his body. Trapped within his own mind. Everything became so bright he had to shut his eyes tightly.

And when he reopened them again. He was camp. The sweet smell of the strawberry field filled his nose with its sweet aroma. Campers walked around happily as ever. Percy turned around to see everything seemed normal.

Shadow of A girl: The enemy known as PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now