Once home I decided to just shower and head to bed. While making a mental note of the things I need to buy tomorrow I can't shake off the feeling of something happening, something big. I'm kinda nervous to find out, I haven't had this feeling in a very very long time. Not trying to make myself overthink I begin to drift to sleep.

-Next Morning-
I wake up to my alarm blaring, I shut it off and check my phone. It's not even 10 am yet and I already have 12 clients trying to see me, damn I am good! I decided to do my grocery shopping for the week first and then I'll start my job.

Once ready I head out and walk to the the supermarket. I notice there are two guys very close to me, I'm guessing they're wolves. Trying to ignore them I pull up my hoodie and lit a cigarette to calm down my nerves. I finally make my way to the market and do my shopping and I can still see them following me aisle to aisle, freaking me out.

I tried to do everything as quick as possible and try to speed walk home. I wonder why they're following me, are they finally going to kill me? But why now?

Seeing my house I breathe a sigh of relief, I quickly go to my house and rush inside. I check my window and see the two men across the street looking in, choosing to ignore them I start messaging my clients. I assumed they would leave after an hour or so but every time a client left I would go to the window and see if they left but they haven't. It's already been like 6 or 7 hours!

They probably already figured out from the number of guys that have come in and left what I do, it's pretty awkward. Seeing them still there made me pretty nervous, I don't know if they're here to attack me or what?! All this jitter isn't sitting well with me, Im just going to snort and drink and hopefully tomorrow morning they'll be gone. 

-Chris POV-

I couldn't sleep at all last night, too many emotions going on right now to be relaxed. I didn't know what to expect from him after everything. I was hoping he would forgive me and let us pass this but I highly doubt that is happening. Jenny was still pissed that I made her move out, thankfully we were able to finish everything last night, I also had pack warriors help her move them to her new room. Thats one less thing I had to deal with before I had to meet my mate.

I had everything ready and packed and waiting in the car to go to the plane. I skipped breakfast because all I want to do is head to Michigan as soon as possible. Im waiting for Ethan and Eddy to come downstairs. They finally got downstairs, I rushed them to the car, and started driving to the airport. The whole plane ride I tried to picture the different scenarios that can happen once I see him again, and let me just say I have no idea what to say in any of them. What if I say something to make the situation worse, or what if he already found someone else? That thought just made my blood boil with anger! I know I shouldn't be angry but I couldn't help it.

-Few Hours Later-

We finally landed, we got our stuff and made our way outside to a car waiting for us. Alpha Josh has sent his beta and two of his best warriors to pick us up. 

"Alpha Christian, we're glad you made it safe here. Alpha Josh has some information he needs to tell you before you decide to return to your mate. Once we get back to our pack house I'll walk you straight to him." Beta Alex said.

What new information does Alpha Josh have that couldn't wait? Hopefully it isn't any bad news. We got to the pack house and how Beta Alex said he walked me straight to the office leaving my belongings out in the front.

"Alpha Josh, thank you for letting us stay here. Your beta said you had some new information on my mate."

"Yes I do, I have a question for you. Is there anything that might change your mind about getting him back?"

"No sir! I am determined to get back with him regardless of anything that has happened."

"Very well. Well it seems like your mate is no longer like you once described him. I had two members of my pack to follow your mate, and let's just say your "mate" has new tastes. My men took some photos for you to look at."

He slid a pack of photos across the table, Kyle looks completely different. His once beautiful tan was gone, now he has pale skin. He even seemed extremely underweight. Overall he looked like death. The next photo was of him smoking a cigarette, I'm surprised, Kyle used to say he hated cigarettes and how it was pointless. The next few photos of him in a supermarket, what caught my eye was he had more beer in the cart than he did of actual food. 

"There are more photos but I need to warn you, these photos will make you and your wolf angry. I suggest you try and hold yourself back." Alpha says before he slid a second pack of photos. 

He was going to in a house, which the house itself seems pretty horrible. Unmaintained , dirty, it was just horrible. My heart broke knowing that for the past 5 years he lived in that dump. I went through the other photos and each one made me mad. They were photos of men entering and leaving his place. Some were fixing their pants as they left. I didn't take me long before I figured what's going on. 

I ripped the photos in half and began to growl, I felt my wolf close to surfacing out. Immediately the alpha and his beta tried to get me back in control but I couldn't, not after finding out Kyle had to turn into a prostitute to live.

"Alpha Christian! Control yourself before you do something you'll regret and can jeopardize your chance with your mate!" 

I was able to hold my wolf back before I mind linked Ethan and Eddy into the office. When they finally arrived I spoked,

"Tomorrow morning we're going straight to his place and he's going to come back with us wether he likes it or not!" I shouted at them. I ask to be escorted to my room so I can prepare for tomorrow. The last thing I thought before I fell asleep was : you're finally mine again.

Hey everyone, thanks for giving my book a chance! If you guys can leave me a quick comment letting me know if you like or not I would greatly appreciate it!

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