The Mysterious Hero: Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

            He tried to slash me with the switchblade, but I dodged each time. I couldn’t help but laugh a little. The burglar was holding the switchblade like he was going to break open a piñata with a plastic spoon. While he was struggling to stab me, I kicked him in the stomach causing him to roll down the long flight of stairs. He thumped all the way down, ending with an agonizing groan.  

            I clambered down the long stairs, jumping at the last two steps. The burglar scrambled up upon seeing my arrival. I flew at him, smashing him against the beige wall. He successfully kneed me in the stomach, making me stumble back. I wheezed, hoping that I wasn’t internally bleeding. The burglar shoved me against the wall, and I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me as my head banged excruciatingly. He pressed his body dangerously close to mine, and I clenched my teeth together in hopes that the pressure would take the dizziness away.

            “Get off of me!” I snarled, thrashing. I didn’t have the energy to push him away with the dull throbbing in my head. He silenced my screams by clutching my throat, cutting off my oxygen.

            “Shut up, b*tch!” he sneered. “What the hell’s up with the mask?” The burglar fingered my black masquerade mask that I wore when I was on duty. “Don’t want anything to happen to your pretty little face? Well, it ain’t gonna be pretty once I kill you!”

            He brought his other hand up, holding the gleaming switchblade. My mind was so set on serving justice that I forgot about his blade. He inched it towards my heart but before he could slash me, I stuck out my hands, gripping his hand that held the blade. I dug my fingernails in his flesh, hoping to draw blood. I brought my knee up, kicking him in the groin. His hands released my burning throat. Unfortunately for me, the burglar was still clutching the blade while he clutched his groin.

            I stepped towards him, the pain in my head subsiding. My foot nudged him over, making him collapse on his back. The blade dropped with a clang as I jumped on his stomach. I raised my fist to knock him out, slowing down when I saw that his fingers managed to grab the neglected blade. He thrust it forward, achieving a deep gash on my right arm. Ignoring the hissing pain, I wrestled for the blade. He managed to kick me away, making me glide across the linoleum floor.

            Before I could scramble back to my feet, he jumped on me, crushing my bones. My arms were trapped as he gripped them in one hand. He trailed the sharp blade across my chin, wanting to torture me to death.

            “The little b*tch is stuck now,” he snarled, pointing the blade deeper into my skin. He ran the blade, making a cut on the bottom of my chin. I squeezed my eyes shut, letting my body slump in defeat. Sensing my relinquishment, the burglar loosened his grip on me, giving me exactly what I aimed for. “Prepare to die, b*tch!”

            I slipped my hand out of his grasp, striking him in the face. I jumped to my feet, pulling him up with me, smacking the blade away. I pounded him against the wall as he thrashed violently. I focused all my energy on my fist as I swung it in his face, finally knocking him out. No, I didn’t kill him. I wasn't cruel and I definitely was not going to have a murder on my hands. He slumped down the wall in defeat.

            I stepped away from him, breathing heavily from the intense fight. My whole body ached and I just wanted to collapse on my bed. I rolled my ripped sleeve up to see how bad the cut on my arm was. Red blood oozed from the gash, dripping on the floor. I grimaced in pain as I rolled the sleeve back down. I wiped my chin with my hand, seeing that blood was trickling.

            There was a coat rack near the front door, and I spotted a scarf that I could use. I seized it, tying the burglar’s hands together. The knots were tight and complicated just in case he woke up. I patted him down to check if he had any other weapons. There were jewels in his pockets, but I didn’t bother taking them out because that was proof that he robbed these people. I got up from my crouching position when I didn’t find anything else. I kicked the blade away from him to the farthest corner of the room.

            A man wearing a dark blue bath robe appeared at the bottom of the steps, cautiously holding a baseball bat. “What the hell is going on?”

            I held up my hands in front of the man, showing that I meant no harm. I pointed towards the burglar then to the switchblade in the corner. He lowered his bat, eyes wide with disbelief.  

            “You… you saved my family,” he whispered, taking a step closer to me. “Hero… you’re The Mysterious Hero.”

            The Mysterious Hero.

            That was the name that the town gave me. Notice how they used hero, instead of heroine. I was pretty sure they didn't use the latter because we didn't really refer to protectors as heroines, and probably because it sounded like the drug heroin. I mean, have you ever heard someone say ‘you’re a heroine’? Probably not, but you do hear ‘you’re a hero’. There had been reports arguing my gender, if The Mysterious Hero was a girl or boy. I got confused as to how people thought I was a guy. My masquerade mask and feminine looks shouted ‘girl’ but other people shout ‘boy’. People who had seen me in action know I was a girl, but people who gossip just gossip. But I didn't really care that much. As long as I was saving lives and my identity wasn't revealed, I was all good.    

            Instead of replying to the man, I nodded my head, opening the front door and left. The ringing of police cars and fire trucks became evident as the lights flashed all around. I hid in the bushes as the vehicles drove by. When they were gone, I started walking again. Sticky sweat covered my face, and I pulled off my mask, so I could wipe my face with the ripped sleeve of my sweater.

            A job well done.


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