3. "I'm Park Jimin"

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, one of them threw a glass at the other.
He dodged it, letting the glass fly directly towards your table.

Without flinching much, you just caught the glass in both of your hands.
You had always had good reflexes and this was nothing new to you.

"Y/N!", Jimin gasped in shock.

Your table went silent while the fight went on.

"You have amazing relflexes!", Hoseok praised you.
Namjoon was scanning you with a curious look, which you avoided in embarrassement.

The school bell rang and you all went to your classrooms again.
Jimin however, ran after Namjoon.
There was something he had to ask him.

"What is it Jimin?", Namjoon questioned without even looking who the person behind him was.

"You have to let her join", Jimin requested.

Namjoon sighed. He was on his way to class and he didn't want to be late because of the discussion with the younger boy.

"We don't even know if she's cut out for it. Besides, why would a year 10 girl want to... do that kind of buisness", Namjoon whispered to not be overheard.

He was referring to the killing of course. Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jin and he himself were already members of the assassin group named Bangtan.

They were 5 members already, but still needed more to be able to take on more difficult missions. Namjoon didn't find the idea of Jimin pulling you along to their cafeteria table good at all.

"You saw how good her reflexes are. We need that in our team", Jimin argued.
He was right. He himself was the only one with reflexes that were good enough for missions.

The others were more specialized in other areas.

Namjoon was a sniper, Yoongi was more of an undercover and sneaky type, Hoseok was good at shooting close-range, Jin was the organizer and hacker.
They needed more balance in the team.

"We'll see, okay?", Namjoon smiled and patted Jimin on the head, leaving him satisfied with the answer.

The leader himself wasn't very confident about the idea if he was honest with himself.


You didn't see Jimin the next day at school, not to mention the several days after that.

You kept checking the cafeteria for the other guys, but they weren't there either.

Not worrying much about it, you supposed they were on a shool trip or something. Besides, you didn't want to be a burden to them. It wasn't like you had to hang out with them every day...
Despite that, you couldn't help but feel disappointed not seeing them around.

Maybe a week and a half later, you finally saw the back of Jimin's head walking down the hall.

"Jimin!", you called out to him.
He turned around, smiling instantly upon seeing you.

"Hey Y/N..."

You covered your mouth in shock as you saw his swollen blue eye. His expression looked tired, as well as the way he spoke.

"Oh my god, what happened to you?", you worriedly asked.

"Ah, I- just got into a fight", he lied.

You had no idea what was actually going on and why he had been missing, but the idea of it having to do with the injury did cross your mind for a split second.

"Why do you always get in trouble?", you criticized.
For the past few weeks of knowing him, he had always gotten himself into detention.

You weren't the best student yourself, but you at least managed to not get yourself in trouble because of it.

Who you used to be - [p.jm]Where stories live. Discover now