With that he stood and left the room.


"We can't let this happen." Niall whispered and Harry shrugged his shoulders in return.

"Are you serious right now? You're just going to sit and watch this band burn to the ground?" He asked.

"Niall. What do you want me to do? I have already tried to apologize to Liam three times. He doesn't care. There isn't anything else I can do." Harry spoke staring down at his phone, scrolling mindlessly through twitter. 

Niall sighed and let his head hit the backboard of the large bed. Harry was right. Nothing more could be done in his case.  

"Maybe its best that the band... You know." Harry said. Niall glared at him before getting up and storming out of the room.


"Well if we don't man up and get over this really soon, like tomorrow soon, either one of us is leaving or this whole band is over." Niall sighed, on the verge of giving up.

"You know what. You're right." Liam said sitting up straight, and every ones eyes widened.

"You forgive us?!" Harry asked, excitement jumping from his words. 

Liam let a small smirk form on his lips before it quickly disappeared. His eyes stared blankly at the floor as he inhaled deeply. "I would love to." He barely whispered, "I would love to be able to say that I'm over it and I can move on." He felt the tears creeping up on him.

"But I can't." He looked up, his eyes blurred with tears. "My heart, is shattered into a million pieces. And it's not just because of Zayn. It's because... because..." He inhaled once more, "You guys were my best friends." He squeezed his eyes shut and let out a small sob before clearing his face of tears while the others sat watching him, heartbroken. 

"So because of that," He pulled himself together, "I will be the one to leave the band." 

"What?" Niall asked.

"I will get out of your way. Harry and Zayn can be together and you lads can forget about me. You wont have to feel guilty for anything and-"

"No." Harry cut him off stealing every ones attention. "I will leave-"

"Harry-" Liam tried but was again cut off by Harry.

"No Liam. This is all my fault. I ruined this band so I will be the one to leave." He said trying to sound strong.

"This is ridiculous!" Niall shouted. "None of us are leaving." He paused, "I cannot live without any of you, and this band will not last if one of us is missing. That's why we are going to pretend like everything is okay between us, and fix this on our own time."

"Niall!" Harry shouted, "This isn't going to get fixed!This band is ruined and sooner or later you are going to have to accept it like the rest of us."

Niall's eyes were now filled with tears, "So you're just going to give up!?" He asked looking at Liam and Harry who both shrugged.

"What about you two!?" He shouted aiming his question at Zayn and Louis. 

"They're right." Louis whispered feeling pain just speaking those words. Niall shook his head and looked to Zayn hopefully as though he would speak some magic words that would heal everything.

"Niall." He spoke softly, "I love this band as much as you do. But, they're right-"


"You can't be-" 


"Niall plea-"

"NO! STOP!" He was now sobbing. "HOW COULD YOU!?" He shouted at all four boys who were now on their feet. "You can't just give up! This band is everything to me!" 

"We don't-" Louis tried but was cut off. 

"Just shut up!" Niall shouted. "I'm done listening to what you guys have to say. And with that he turned and ran up the stairs to his room. 


"He should be here any minute, his mother said he left a little bit ago." Louis said handing Simon a glass of water.

"That's fine." He said. 

Within ten long minutes Liam was there apologizing for traffic. 

"So. What seems to be happening boys?" Simon asked. Nobody replied until Zayn decided to speak up.

"Well... We decided it would be best if we... Took a... Permanent break." Zayn forced the words out. 

"So you are deciding to break up?" Simon asked surprised.

Zayn looked over to Niall who stared blankly at the floor with messy hair and bags under his eyes. He cleared his throat, "Yes." 

Simon nodded.

"We figured that since we didn't have any events planned for another month, we could just cancel all of our concerts and interviews but keep one to announce the news." Harry said.

"Well, yes we will figure that all out soon." Simon said feeling pained, "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked and all but one nodded. "Niall?" He asked, "Are you okay with this?"

There was no response at first but he eventually looked up and met his eyes with Simon's. "Can I go, I have a plan to catch?" He asked catching Simon off guard. 

"Uh- S-sure. Of course." Niall got up grabbing a couple of bags he had quickly packed. "I will let you know when the interview is and when you will be picked up and such ASAP." Simon said and Niall nodded before quickly exiting the house.


WAHHH!!! Its so sad!!

I'm sorry!!!

Well.... The next chapter is the epilogue! ):








I Won't Give Up (Ziam & Zarry)Where stories live. Discover now