"Father!" You cried, reaching your hand out despite the distance. Crimson then stood back, removed your fathers helmet, then beheaded him. "Father!!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, helpless as you drifted away further from him. "Father..."
"Sir (Y/N)." The servant greeted, bowing his head to you as he entered. You turned to face him, your (E/C) eyes watching him curiously. You had been practising your sword skills, throwing the large blade in an arc. You stopped, wiping the sweat from your brow. "Your father has requested your presents in the war room, as soon as possible."

Your eyes widened, your father was Lord William Rogan, commander of the Phoenix legion. The Blood Eagle empire had been expanding its borders for years now, lately it had set its gaze on itself. Turning on any and every other legion, until only the Blood Eagle Legion remained. Your father was leaning over the war table, his generals surrounding him. You yourself were not welcome at the war table, since you had yet to earn any glory or honour, but clearly William expected you to listen in.

"If we wait then we can have more troops to hold the castles my lord, winters arriving and we can starve them out." On of his generals informed him.

"Agreed, we can  send ravens out to our outposts, tell them to start mass recruitment for the spring." Another chimed in.

"No!"  Lord Rogan boomed, silencing them. "If we wait they'll attack the villages and ravage our lands, when spring comes they'll have finished with the Iron Wolves and have turned their full attention on us. We fight now! If we defeat them at sea it'll severely cripple their navel capabilities and they'll have to continuously ferry their soldiers from one front to another. It'll give us at least a full year to gather our full strength and push them back." It was a good plan in theory, except it gambled everything on this victory.

"(Y/N)" Your father called, making you jump.

"Yes my lord?" You asked a little nervously.

"You'll take part in this battle by leading up the starboard side, target their sails with fire archers."

"Yes my Lord, I will not let you down."

William looked up at you with pride, a rare smile creeping up his face. "I know you won't son, I know you make me proud...

Make me proud..."

The sea water was overwhelmingly salty, that was all you could think off as you lay on the beach. Blood was running from a cut to your forehead, though you could barely feel it. All you could think off was how numb you were, how cold you were...

You'd somehow drifted to solid ground, you didn't know how long it had taken. Minutes? Hours? Days? More? It was impossible to tell, since you constantly blacked out repeatedly. The midnight mood glowed down on you, hiding you under the cover of darkness. You blinked the salt out of your eyes, or at least tried too. It was painful in the extreme, though there's nothing you could have done about it. You did what you could to crawl out of the water, blindly shuffling forward.

Your father, Lord William Rogan, was dead. You couldn't focus on that now, just had to get out of here, unsure where here was. You must have passed out again, because it was suddenly day again. You were still partly in the water, only your upper body out of the sea. Hyperthermia was becoming a real threat now, you had to get out the water now. It took pure will power, but you got out. The small effort exhausted you though, you wanted to rest but to do so meant to die. You managed to get one leg under you, slowly pushing yourself into your knee. Your arms didn't have the strength to push you up, so you pushed your head against the ground for extra leverage. Summoning all your strength you got to your feet.

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