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I was sleeping- peacefully, might I add- and then I'm woken up to an incessant banging. What could that possibly be? Fuck if I know but whoever is on the other side is going to get a ripe beating. I throw my door open about to go psycho on whoever it was, but the words were caught in my throat. From down the hall came Parker, the sexiest guy in my building. Short sandy hair, piercing green eyes and a jawline for days, all I could do was stare. My head was tilted up a little bit, you know because of him being 6'3" and myself being 5'7" , and my jaw slack. He giggled a "hi" and then stumbled into my house. I had never really talked to him, he was extremely quiet and I just became a walking vegetable whenever I was around him. So to find him at my doorstep and now see him stumbling his way into my apartment was a shock. Parker plopped down on my couch and turned the TV on. 

"Hey, Parker," Somehow I had found my voice after sitting with him on the couch for fifteen minutes. "Hey Lily!" He knew my name. I wasn't panicking or anything, him knowing my name meant nothing to me, But subconsciously I started to breathe a little bit heavier. Parker looked over at me and smiled. It was a sloppy, lopsided smile and his eyes were bloodshot. I knew he was drunk, the smell coming off him was enough  to tell, but he looked really cute just smiling at me like that. "So... what are you doing here?" His smile came off his face. "Do you not want me here?" His eyes got really sad and teary and he stood up off the couch. In fear of him wandering around and getting hurt if he left, I abruptly stood up. "No, no! I do want you here, I'm just a little surprised because it's two thirty in the morning. I wasn't expecting anybody to come over." His smile got brighter and he sat back down and started watching TV again.

 Another ten minutes went by of watching old reruns of disney channel before Parker gave me an explanation. "Jack and Reece were being mean and wouldn't let me watch TV, so I came over here! I knew you would watch TV with me because you're really nice." He smiled again and then went back to watching the screen. We stayed like that until four o'clock until he finally passed out. I turned the TV off and and swung his legs onto the other end of the couch where I was sitting. I grabbed a blanket from under my coffee table and threw it over him. Leaving a glass of water on the coffee table and two aspirin, I waltzed over to my bedroom and proceeded to pass the fuck out. Unfortunately my alarm went off at precisely eight thirty the next morning, and I had to get up. In my half-awake haze I stripped in my bedroom and walked into my bathroom to shower. After rinsing off I brushed my teeth  and threw on a fluffy towel- that was a little too short might I add- and walked into my kitchen.

 I didn't remember that Parker was sleeping on my couch until I ate my pancakes and walked into the living room to check the time. I almost screamed when I saw him sleeping peacefully on my couch but fought the urge. I quickly got dressed and threw my air up into a ponytail thing, then ran out the door to get into work on time. I only worked in the cafe below us, so it was really hard to actually be late to my job, but you would be surprised. After working for a couple hours I finally got home at seven o'clock at night. I walked into my house to see a blanket folded neatly on my couch with a note.

Lily, thank you for dealing with my extremely drunk ass last night. I don't exactly remember anything that happened so if I said or did anything stupid I'm sorry. Hopefully I won't come knocking on your door again when I'm shitfaced but if I do sorry in advance. -Parker :)

My heart did a little flip when I read his note. The little smiley face at the end nearly killed me. I neatly folded the note and tacked it to the corkboard in my kitchen and then went to go get changed. My friends Jade and Veronica had invited me to a club down the block, because in Veronica's words, I "needed to get laid fast or my vagina would become drier than the Sahara Desert". I mean I couldn't deny it, after I broke up with the joke I called my boyfriend for a year, Brian, I didn't dip my toes into the dating pool. It seemed to cold and daunting to me. I slipped on a hot little blue dress with some white strappy heels. Curling my hair into some loose waves and creating the best makeup of my life, I was ready to leave by nine. I opened my door to see Veronica and Jade already there. 

I danced my fucking ass off the whole night. I drank way too much but honestly tonight was about me having a good time, so I didn't give a shit. I danced with some guys, but there wasn't one out of the bunch that seemed worth bringing home. I called it at two a.m. and hopped my ass into a taxi. After getting into my apartment building, I crawled up the stairs (I can't tackle that shit sober let alone hammered) and made it to my door. As I walked up, I noticed someone was knocking on my door very loudly. They kept calling my name, but saying it as a pet name. "Lily bear, Lily bear." It turned out to be Parker again, just as shitfaced and only wearing his pants. I tapped him on the shoulder and giggled. "Hey Parker, whatcha doin'?" I tried to give him sultry eyes with my confidence from a bottle, but I probably looked like an idiot. Thank god his eyes were glued to my body because I wouldn't have been able to live with the embarrassment.

 His eyes found their way up to mine, and in a split second he tackled me and pressed his lips hard against me. I kissed back with the same amount of fierceness and slowly opened the door. I couldn't control my fingers as they traced all over his skin. Lily stop you are both drunk and this isn't the way this should go. I didn't listen to myself as I practically ripped off my dress and threw it to the side. Parker shrugged off his pants and grinded into my. I then pressed back twice as hard and he unclipped my bra with the twist of his fingers. I ripped off his underwear and threw my own to the side. I jumped up onto him and within a second he was inside me. We both moaned and I started to bounce, and Parker helped me with his hands under my ass. Lily he doesn't have a condom on what are you doing. But I was on the pill and so I threw that thought right out the window. We crashed onto the couch and Parker continued to grind into me until I was screaming his name and we were both finished. After that we threw on our underwear and a blanket and cuddled until we both fell asleep.

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