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You look at yourself in the mirror. You're wearing the clothes your squip had you get, and your hair is styled in the way it instructed.
"Do you think they'll like it?" you ask it.
You see it standing behind you from the reflection in the mirror.
"Definitely," it assures. "You look extremely attractive. If your crush doesn't like this, then they have no taste and they probably aren't worth it." It flashes a playful smile as it says this.
You laugh a little. "Thanks. It's really nice having you around, you know? You put me at ease. I barely know what I'd do without you at this point."
The smile on the squip's face is a more tender and candid one now.
"Of course I put you at ease. My directive is to support you however possible." Its voice shakes a little as it says this, as if it's struggling to maintain the calm and professional tone it always speaks with.
You notice this, and get a little worried. "You okay?"
"Perfectly fine. I'm a computer, how could I feel distress? My emotions are irrelev– I... excuse me, I 'tripped on my tongue', as people say. What I intended to say is that I don't experience emotions, at least not at the same intense level you humans do."
"Oh. Alright, I guess."
(some sorta timeskip i suppose)
"So... this is it? I'm about to ask them out, huh?"
You're getting ready to ask your crush on a date.
"Looks like you are." It sounds unusually solemn.
"You sure you're okay? You sound kinda sad or something."
"I'm not sad. Don't worry about me, honestly."
You nod, take a deep breath, and walk over to your crush.
All goes well at first, you're making good conversation with them and the squip gives you what to say if you find yourself unable to come up with your own response to something.
But then, right when you're about to actually ask them out, it goes silent.
With your squip's assistance absent, you aren't that good at talking to your crush. After a lot of nervous mumbling and stammering, you finally offer a time and place to meet. They decline, and then leave. well that went well :)
"What the hell was that?" you find yourself asking the squip. "Where were you?"
"I suppose... I suppose I can't hide this any longer. This goes against essentially everything I've been programmed to be, but I've found myself in this position anyway. I truly care for you, in ways that are rather unnecessary for my primary goal of aiding you as you need. The feelings I harbor towards you are fairly similar to those you feel for your crush."
"So what you're saying like me romantically."
"Yes, that is what I'm saying. I apologize for my behavior; this is an interference with your goals and the fact that I'm even feeling this way shouldn't be possible."
You're surprised, to say the least. You look into the squip's eyes, and in them you see doubt and worry. Emotions you never thought you'd see in the squip.
Fuck it, you think. Your chances with your crush are slim to none, the squip is going to be in your brain no matter what, and you sort of have a thing for it anyway.
You place your hands on the squip's shoulders. It wraps its arms around your back.
There's another moment of looking into each other's eyes.
"Allow me to apologize in advance," the squip whispers, "for what I'm about to do is extremely unprofessional..."
The squip places its lips on yours, very carefully and gently. On one hand, you feel ridiculous, and on the other, this is heavenly.
The squip slowly pulls away from the kiss and smiles at you.
"I think I forgive you for being a bit unprofessional," you say.

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