Haru also known as the devil, he is the king of the underworld does what he wants, w...
Karl: FINE, i heard you are taking my son's back with you to your pack.
Haru: Yea so, and before you say anything I am taking All of them they're MINE! So choose your words carefully.
Karl: i wasnt going to say you couldn't but I have a request.
Haru: and this request is?
Karl: take the sacrificial bride with you.
Karl: it's either you take her or i take one of my son's to be her husband, your choice.
Haru: FINE, but I have no responsibility if she dies there.
Karl: as long as she isn't Killed by you or the others Icouldn't care less on whether she lived or died.
Haru: wait why do you want me to take her?
Karl: well now that you have ruined the Adam and Eve project by making my son's your mates. I have no where to keep the human her father sold her to me and moved countries. So I need you to watch her.
Haru: fine but don't expect me to be nice and protect her.
Karl: wouldn't dream of it.
I watched as Karl Teleported away before letting out a very loud and deep groan. I sighed and Teleported all of my things to my new car (pic at top) Yea it looks big and derpy but let me tell you the inside is killer. I took out all the boring seats and turned it into a party bus in the back, i gots a mini fridge, a TV, Internet, and tons of seats. I sighed and walked down staires and face planted on the couch in the game room thinking on what to do with the Human. I was about to fall asleep when I thought I should call my father and tell him we are coming and not to set up rooms. I pulled out my galaxy s8 and called my father. (Conversation)
*ring, ring, ring*
Father: Hello?
Haru: aye dad.
Father Haru! How nice of you to call!
Haru: Yea, i was calling to tell you not to set up any rooms because when we get there I'm building us our own home.
Father: oky-dokie ya sure?
Haru: Yea, we should be headed up there soon see ya.
Father: ok, bye son!
I sighed at the phone call and put my phone back into my pocket and tried to fall asleep being successful when the darkness consumed me. ( Time skip due to how awesome naps are!)
I finished packing all of my stuff because Haru said we were going to be moving to his pack. I sighed tired out from all the packing I did and made my way down stairs to get a drink now that I think about it I haven't had any blood in a while wonder where Haru is? I walked into the living room and saw nobody so I decided to Teleported to his room to see if he's there. I Teleported and showed up in Haru's room to see nobody around except for Alpha who is packing all of his dog toys in a box that was set out for him. I watched as he finished putting everything in the box besides his bed then goes to lay down on it. I chuckled and pat his head before Teleporting to the game room to try to find Haru. I entered the game room to see my unbelievably sexy mate asleep on the couch his red eyes hidden behind his long eyelashes. I sighed out of pure bliss before walking up to him kneeling down and poking his cheek with my index finger. I watched as he flinched in his sleep but that was it, I nodded and stood up before I straddled him. I sat on his lap starring down at his sleeping form before bending down placing a kiss on his so very soft lips. I moaned in my head before pressing my lips harder against his wanting to taste more of him, due to him still being asleep it was easy to open his mouth and slide my tongue in his mouth tasting his intoxicating taste of sweet candy. I let out a little moan from the sparks on my lips and the flavour on my tongue. Haru was still asleep so I kept pressing my lips harder against his entertwining my tongue with his. I jumped a little when I felt Haru's tongue start to move in his sleep, i battled with Haru's tongue which had a mind of its own before finally losing the fight and letting it dominate my mouth. I felt him lick my cheeks not missing a spot in my mouth before shoving his tongue down my throat making me almost gag. I let him do what he wanted before feeling two very strong and rough hands squeeze my ass. I moaned into the kiss out of suprise and pleasure. I felt Haru pull away from the kiss but kept squeezing my butt making me release soft moans.
Haru: Kou~ trying to take me whileI was asleep your very naughty aren't you~?
Kou: Ahhh~! Y-yesI'm v-very bad you s-should p-punish me~ ohhhh~!!
Haru: Maybe I should......Nah I'd rather wait until your in heat like the others.
Kou: uggg~ what's h-h-heat?
Haru: I'll tell you guys when we get to the new house you all need to finish packing and we need to set off. Koishii-chan could you go see if the others are ready if you do I'll give you a reward~
Kou:*nods rapidly* y-yes H-Haru.
I felt him stop massaging my butt and pick me up setting me down on my feet before smacking my ass as a sign to go see the others. I set off to Ruki's room to check on him first when I arrived I knocked on the door only to get a responce to enter. I opened the door and asked if he was ready to leave he nodded yes so I left and continued on to everybody else's rooms asking the exact same question to receive the exact same answer Yes.
When i finished checking with everyone I made my way back to Haru to see him on his phone playing a game.
I looked up from my phone to see Kou looking at me..
Haru: so did you follow orders?
I grabbed his waist pulling him to sit on my lap his legs on both sides of me. He nodded before replying.
Kou: y-yes Haru do I g-get my reward now?
I nodded before grabbing the back of his head pushing his face to my neck.
Haru: go ahead koishii-chan this is your reward.
I felt him nod on my neck before licking the artery there then biting into it with his razor sharp fangs. I groaned at the pleasure I felt, only to hear him greedily sucking my blood I chuckled and started stroaking his head encouraging him to take as much as he needed. After some time I felt him pull away licking the bite clean even though it should heal in a few seconds. I pulled his face Back to see a dazed look on his face, I laughed and kissed his forehead only for him to pass out into a deep sleep. I stood up and layed him in my arms walking to the front door before mindlinking my mates to get situated in my car. They all replied and Teleported there getting in and buckling up. I handed Kou to Yuma so he could strap him in the back with everybody else. I got into the drivers seat buckling in, starting the car and heading off.
We finally arrived at the woods my pack is in i said some words and a secret passage open up we have this so no humans can ever find it. I drove into the passage-way driving down a long dirt road with woods on both sides of us. It took some time but we finally arrived at our destination in front of us was a 3 story mansion
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