Like A Crash The Whole Thing Spun Out Of Control

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Alex’s P.O.V.

God, this basement brought back so many memories. The first time I got wasted, the first time we played as a band, and the first time I met Jasey. She was perfect; I could sit and stare into those sky blue eyes all day. Her shoulder length hair was perfect. Why did she have to be Jack’s sister. Against the rules. She was perfect, she played Xbox like a pro, her killstreaks topped ours. She listened to Blink 182, no girl I ever met liked them, and she could actually eat normal around boys, most girls starve themselves constantly. She loved football, especially the Ravens, which I loved just as much. She was perfect for me, she just didn’t know it..

“Hey! We came to practice not daydream! Get with it man!” Rian yelled at me, while I was being hit with a drumstick.

I picked up the drumstick and pelted it back.

“What song first? Dear Maria?” they all nodded and we jumped right into it.

All our songs had a meaning to it. Lullabies, about loosing Tom, Dear Maria, a stripper, Therapy, being told you need help when you just want a hug, and Jasey Rae, about Jacks sister..

It was that party before we put out the 2nd album. We'd released our EP 'Three Words To Remember' which went well for a first album. We were working on the 2nd one but it wasn't going too well. I remember the whole thing well though.

It was a house party, a typical one. Drugs, drink and sex. I needed Jasey out of there. So did Jack, I'm not even sure he knew she was here. And if anything was to happen to her it would be on his watch, their parents were out of town on a holiday or something. I stopped the car in the street. The old, pick up truck. It desperately needed fixed, the seats were ruined and I'm pretty sure the engine was about to pack in. I turned off the engine and took the keys out. I wasn't sure who's party it was but I knew it wasn't good. The cops would be here any minute, it looked like a quite neighbour hood so someone was bound to complain. I slammed the red car door behind me and walked forwards. Whoever's party it was was pretty well off, the house was a nice, new, modern house. I opened the front door, everyone would be too high, wasted or busy to answer the door. It smelt of drink, smoke and weed. Everyone here would be in trouble. I walked along the hall trying to squeeze through everyones way. The music was a bit of everything, Fallout Boy, New Found Glory, and I swear I heard a bit of Sugarbabes.

I ran through all the downstairs room, kitchen, lounge, dining room. I even checked the garden. There was no sign of her. I ran back inside shuffling through all the people under numourous effects of god knows what. I went up the stairs doing the 2-step thing. I went in all the rooms checking everywhere. The hall, no Jasey. 1st bedroom, no Jasey. Bathroom, no Jasey. 2nd bedroom, no Jasey. That just left the 3rd and final bathroom. The door had 'Chris' Room' plastered across the door with band lyrics, stickers and 'Keep Out Bitch' on it. Woah, my parents wouldn't ever let me get bitch on the door even though its not that bad. I took a deep breath before placing my hand on the door handle. I was sweating, freaking out. If she was in here I was positive she'd use some 'I'm drunk' excuse. Nope, I wouldn't fall for it. She was going home to Jack, there was no way she'd get drunk. My hand was slowly turning the handle, why was I being so slow? I pushed open the door and saw her, beautiful Jennifer. Sticking her tounge down this guys throat. She looked up, stunned, she obviously didn't expect anyone to come in. I spun and walked out as fast as I could. I heard her behind me, yelling 'Alex, I'm drunk, please listen to me!' if she was drunk she wouldn't be able to think all these excuses.

I ran down the stairs without looking back. I didn't need any of these stoners looking at me either. Out the door and into the yard.

"Alex, please! Just listen!"

"What, what am I supposed to listen to? How your drunk? You don't know what your doing? He's nothing to you? Well A, your not drunk, B, you obviously do, and C is the same answer to the other 2! Just leave me alone." I yelled in her face.

"Alex, please. I do love you, I amn't drunk, but I'm tispy. Please don't tell Jack I was here."

She's cheated on me and all she can think about is how much crap she'll get into with Jack?

"Really? You stuck your tounge down that arrogant cunt's throat and all you can think about it how much shit you're in with Jack? Just back off and I'll think about not telling Jack." There were tears in her eyes. Oh well, I could honestly cry right now, but I can't. Imagine what people would say. I spun round and got into my car. I looked out the window to see her best friend Hayley with her arm round her, consoling her. It was her fault. Not mine.

I turned the car on and drove. I drove for a solid hour before I reached a gas station with a motel next to it. I'd stay here until I calmed down. I filled up with gas, paid, went to the motel to get a room and went back to the gas station. It had a nice little cafe inside. I sat down before pulling out a pen and grabbing a napkin. I wrote lyrics on the napkin.

'Call me a name,

Kill me with words,

Forget about me,

It's what I deserve,

I was your chance,

to get out of this town,

but I ditched the car,

and left you to'

I spent the whole night in that hotel writing about her. The song went on our album, 'Jasey Rae'. She doesn't listen to our albums, only when we're practising. Only the guys knew about it, and the people from school who were smart enough to figure it out. Her and Chris got together after that. I know the split up recently, 2 years was a long time.

When I was playing it felt like nothing else mattered, it was why I loved touring, all the songs, one after another for as long as you liked. Well not too long cause we couldn't keep people there forever. It felt like we were only starting Dear Maria when we were actually ending.

"We sound pretty decent," I whispered to myself,"I'm going to get water"

Rian nodded. Jack and Zack were too busy tuning their guitars to pay attention.

I crawled up the stairs, damn they were steep. I walked through the hall and into the kitchen. There she was. As beautiful as ever. Joggers on, hair up, hardly any make up on, yet looking amazing. This is what was great about her, she needed zero effort to look gorgeous.

I stepped into the kitchen. Jasey jumped a bit, realised it was me and put her phone away

"Oh hey Alex, never saw you there. Gave me a fright!" She chuckled.

"Aw sorry, never meant to. So what you thinking of us so far?" I asked, I really wanted to know the real answer but I knew what I wanted her to say.

"You's are really amazing, but loud!" She giggled again. What was up with all this laughing? Girls usually only laugh at everything you say when.. Really? No. "Looking forwards to the tour? You'll have everyone all over you, especially them fangirls."

Ugh, fangirls, the people who only like us cause they think we're 'babes' or 'hot'. I dont see it and neither does anyone else, but hey, I'll accept it, I mean, who wouldn't?

"Oh, can't wait.. Are you coming on tour? I mean, we always have a laugh when we're all together, and I'm sure Jack could use with someone to make sure he doesn't get a hangover everynight." Please come, please, please, please say your coming. It will give me another chance to show I'm different.

"Ehm, maybe. I'll decide nearer the time. Got some stuff going on here.."

Damn. What's she got going on here? She's left school she's just sitting about. She has nothing to do.. Her phone started ringing, I thought it was a text and she was ignoring it to be polite but it turned into a call. She whispered sorry I need to go and picked up the phone. God, I just wanted her in my arms. Again, I just need her back. I grabbed my water and went downstairs to the basement.

"Hey, whats going on with Jasey? She says she might not come on tour?" I asked Jack, hoping he'd say she's just messing with me.

"She probably will come," Yes, part 1 of plan, complete,"But Chris has been texting her again so I don't know." Damn, he always got in the way.

"Oh Alex, by the way," Rian said, please be good news, "Lisa called, she didn't sound happy"

Oh shit. First that Chris ruins my mood and now Lisa's calling? I must have done some crap in a past life.

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