I looked down sweatdropping with a shameful look. 'Oh shap stick, I forgot about that, and I was really hoping to play this game.'  I thought to myself still in a depression state.

“Here," I heard a familiar voice said. I looked up to see Ami holding out 100¥ bill. I looked at the bill then at her giving her are you sure look. She smiled, “It's fine." She said. I nodded and took the money.

“T..t-thank you, Mizuno-san." I said while inserting the money. I made a file and named it 'FSS' and made a pin for me to continue whenever I want to. The first level was too easy all I had to do was defeat a big snake in sewer. I kept playing for ten minutes, since each 50¥ is five minutes, passing each level.

“Hey who's your new friend, Usagi?" I didn't know who it was but I got a quick glimpse of him through the corner of my eye. It was man who worked here I guess talking to Ms. Bun-Head. So her name is Usagi, doesn't that mean bunny? What a weird name?

“Well Motoki, that's uh, aye I haven't caught your name." Usagi asked while put her arm on my shoulder and leaned on me. I opened my mouth to answer but I was interrupted.

“This is Chiba Friendina." Amu said for me. I just nodded.

“Well Friendina, your pretty good is this your first time playing?" I'm guessing Motoki asked.

“Yeah.." was all I said with a nod as I continue playing. This level is pretty hard.

“Wow, and your already on level..." He trailed off for me to answer.

“46." I said bluntly as I lost one live out of the 5 I had. 'Dang it!'  I thought to myself as I tried to hit the demon with a sword.

“Ehh, 46?!" They exclaimed in surprise. “I can barely make it to 30!" Usagi exclaimed. I laughed which caused me to mess up and lose another live. Dang nuggets. Nuggets sounds good right now.

I shook my head and concentrated on the game, blocking all the voice. I don't know why but I find this game very interesting. Now on my finally blow the demon died and Sailor V did her signature peace sign for victory. It now asked if I wanted to save. I clicked yes.

Then a gold shaped pendant with a clock that was in the middle of it. It was pretty then I was a pen next to it. It was gold with a white star at the top. I picked them both up, then I saw something again.

This time it was a girl who looked like Usagi with a crescent moon on her forehead and she was holding a cat with the crescent moon on its forehead too. Then there was 4 girls in sailor uniform but it was to blurry to tell who they resemble. I can also hear them say 'Come on!'

'Let's go play.'

'It'll be fun.'  and stuff like that. I then suddenly fell backwards. I was caught be Usagi.

“Are you okay?" She asked but her voice didn't really sound clear.  then saw her and Ami in sailor uniforms.

“Sailor Moon? Sailor Mercury?" I don't know where that came from, it just slipped. They were startled and Usagi dropped me. Luckily I got myself and looked at them again. They looked normal, they're still in a school sailor uniform not the one I saw them it.

“O-ow...," I mumbled and scratch behind my head. “S..sorry, it just kind of slipped." I apologized as I got up and stuffed the pen and the pendant in my sweater.

I looked at them both again, nope must of been my imagination. Then I looked up at the clock, it's 4:37. I needed to go look for onii-chan's home.

I got up and we said our goodbyes and I was on my way to my seen to be new home.

~ Time Skip to Friendina's Onii-chan's house ~

I was standing in front of a apartment. Apparently this is where onii-chan lives. I took a deep breath and knock on the door three times. It was a the boy from earlier who opened the door. “What is it?" He askes.

I gulped, “I'm looking for Chiba Mamoru. Does he live here, and if so may I speak with him?"

“Your talking to him now."

“Oh, hello I'm Friendina... I think. Uuuuh here." I handed him a piece of paper and read it. What else is he gonna do eat it?

He started to smile and then hugged me. I then saw a boy who looks like Mamoru with a cap on and a big smile. He said “I'm Mamoru your big brother!" To what look like a baby who is possible... me.

“Welcome home Lil sis." He whispered to me.

I smiled and hugged him back, “Glad to be back.


Did ya enjoy it... ELLO CAN YOU HEAR ME?! =-= poop.




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