I felt something cold and sharp being pressed against my skin. I glanced down to my wrist and saw Harry cutting the rope with ease.

The vine fell to the floor with a small thump and I immediately wrapped my hand around my newly free wrist. He turned on his heel and walked to the front door while adjusting his jacket. I couldn't help but stare at this... monster. That was the only description that fit. No human with a beating heart would ever do what he does.

I glanced to my phone and searched through my contacts, finding Ellie's name and pressing call. I waited three rings before she answered, "Faye? Is that you?"

"Yeah it's me," I replied while pulling the hem of the dress as far down as possible. I've never worn something so... revealing before. Harry turned and gave me a disapproving look, signifying he didn't want me touching the dress for his own perverted reasons. "Sorry about missing your calls, I went to Becca's house and I fell asleep while watching a movie."

"Oh..." Ellie said uneasily. "Well um... that's alright then. But I really thought you were hurt Faye, you know how things are around here and-"

"I know, Ellie." I interrupted, not wanting her to continue. "But since it's..."

Shit, what's the time?

I pulled back my phone and gasped. It's 8:50 pm! I've been out for hours.

"...almost nine o'clock, I was wondering if I could spend the night here?" I asked and lifted my gaze to meet Harrys. He was smirking and made his way over. Oh how I wish I could smack that stupid grin off his face.

"So you're definitely at Becca's?" she clarified as Harry snaked his arms around my waist. He dipped his head by the crook of my neck while leaving little kisses along my skin. I shivered at his touch, feeling goose bumps rising all over my flesh. Harry smirked into my neck and pulled back slightly, blowing cool air over my dampened skin. I bit my bottom lip to eliminate the chances of a sound escaping.

"Y-Yeah," I stuttered uneasily. "I'm a-at Becca's."

"Liar," he whispered huskily into my ear as his hands roamed freely over my body.

"Alright then," she sighed, "As long as her parents are okay with it."

"They are," I replied as Harry's hands found their ways to my thighs. My breathing picked up as I rested my free hand on Harrys shoulder, digging my nails into his leather jacket. "Thanks Ellie, see you tomorrow."

I hung up the phone before she could reply and shoved Harry's chest.

"What the hell were you doing?" I shouted.

"Something you seemed to enjoy," he responded causally while walking towards the door.

I mentally kicked myself for my actions-I should've pushed him away. Harry is a killer, a monster, a demon. I don't feel any sort of attraction to him whatsoever. So why does he hold such a strong effect on me?

I sighed sadly and realized I was becoming weak. "Why am I wearing this dress?" I asked softly.

"We're going out tonight," he replied while opening his door and nodding his head towards it, indicating he wanted me to follow.

"Where?" I questioned while walking towards him.

"First we need to pay a little visit to Scott," he murmured with frustration, "You'll be waiting in the car with Eleanor."

I nodded a wrapped my arms over my body.

"After that, we'll be going to a bar near-"

"On a school night?!" I exclaimed while resting one hand on my hip. Now I've never experienced a hangover before, but when Ellie lived with us, she would come home from drinking with her friends and vomit everywhere. Then the next day, she'd have a horrendous headache and continued vomiting. She told me it's the worst thing she's ever experienced, and it's even worse when it's your first time. "Harry we're underage!"

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