"Hyung?" Jungkook asked after a while.

"Hm?" the elder hummed back.

"Have you been thinking more of the therapist offer?" he asked.

Taehyung lifted up his head to meet Jungkook's eyes. "I'm considering going to at least one session," he admitted.

Jungkook smiled. "Good," he said, "do you want me to come along?"

Taehyung's eyes widen, and wavered worriedly, although the younger didn't noticed. "I couldn't possibly ask -"

"Don't be ridiculous," the younger interrupted him, "I'll come."

Taehyung lowered his head, hiding the fact he was worried sick for the younger...

Jungkook woke up the next morning to his alarm on his phone, telling him to wake up for another work day. He didn't exactly feel motivated to go back to that company, but he still managed get up from the sofa he and Taehyung had fallen asleep on, without waking the elder, and went to the kitchen to make his breakfast. After he ate, he hit the shower, and so he got on his suit and soon headed for Lite Company.

He texted Jimin on the way, asking if he'd work today, and so he replied he would.

Jungkook thought if he'd stick to Jimin, Mr Nam wouldn't show his true colours as he did with the younger one, and maybe - just maybe - he'd survive the work day.

Jungkook highly doubted anyone else at the company knew how Mr Nam really was. He was so different at first he seemed genuinely like a nice boss; Jungkook didn't even know why he suddenly broke off that mask when he started working there. Was there something about him that made him lose his character? The young boy didn't like to think highly of himself, but could Mr Nam actually like him in a way he'd want him to know his true character, and then hopefully make him his? If that made sense...

Jungkook laughed at himself. How could he possibly think that? Mr Nam despised him, and so he felt towards the boss as well.

"There you are," Jimin smiled as he saw the younger approach to him, "almost thought you'd be late."

"I wanted to," Jungkook mumbled, mostly to himself, but he held himself back. He saw a small glimpse of Mr Nam entering his office, but luckily he didn't look back at him. Just the sight of him made him feel rotten on the inside.

"Are you okay?" the elder asked as he stared at him worriedly after witnessing his grimaces, "you don't look too good. Are you sick?"

Jungkook pressed out a smile. "I'm fine hyung, just a rough morning," he lied.

"Okay," he said, "how about Taehyung? Is he's all right as well?"

Jungkook didn't know what to answer. Was Taehyung all right? Was he okay at all? He didn't really know.

"He's good," he just said to not worry his boyfriend's best friend, "he's just mostly tired and worried about his job."

Jimin nodded, and stopped asking further as he could tell it was making the younger uncomfortable, and just continued his usual desk job.

Jungkook sat down beside him and continued the pile of paper he was given previously to finish, although he never wanted to, because finishing it up meant delivering it to Mr Nam himself, and that didn't seem too appealing to him.

It was nearly six in the afternoon, and Jungkook was dead tired. All he wanted to do was to sleep, or at least have a long break and eat. But he had nearly finished, so he intended to finish up before everyone else left, so he wouldn't be alone of his boss finally decided to make a move of some sort, and he'd be done for it.

"Jimin hyung?" Jungkook asked as he printed out the final page of his work.

Jimin glanced up at him. "Uhm, yeah?" he asked tiredly. He could tell the elder was just as tired as him.

"Would you, uh, mind giving this to Mr Nam for me whilst I'm in the toilets?" he asked.

Jimin scuffed. "Do it yourself afterwards."

Jungkook mentally prayed. Please. "Hyung, please, I might take forever in there. I really need to poop."

Jimin frowned at him with a disgusted grimace. "Too much information Jungkookie," he whined, "sorry mate, I just finished work myself, and Yoongi has actually made dinner for me, so I need to get home immediately," he said as he got up from his chair as he turned off the laptop he was previously worked on. "See you tomorrow."

Jungkook almost started crying as he saw his friend disappear from his eyes and walked away. Now he had to face his boss.

The young raven haired male picked up the pile of work he had finished as he picked up his courage and knocked softly on the office door. 

"Come in!" yelled the voice from inside.

With another deep breath, Jungkook mentally prepared himself as he entered. He didn't want to close the door behind him, but Mr Nam did obvious signs for him to do so, and so he had to. "I'm, uh, finished," he muttered quietly.

Mr Nam stared at him. "What was that?" he asked loudly, obviously mocking the younger to raise his voice.

"I'm finished!" Jungkook said as he raised his tone.

Mr Nam grinned unpleasantly. "Finally," he answered with a smirk.

Jungkook took another deep breath to not throw another fit on him. "What's my next assignment?" he asked, trying to sound as polite as he could, although it was obvious he was straining himself.

"Don't look so uncomfortable there Jungkookie," his boss insisted with his smile, "just be your natural gay self in front of me. I don't judge."

Jungkook glared hard at him. "What's your fucking problem -" he immediately interrupted himself, "I mean, can I please get my next assignment?"

Mr Nam threw his head back as he laughed, and then fished out a memory card as he held it out in his hand. "Well, you said 'please'," he laughed again, "oh by all means, just take it." He nodded as he rose up his hand in front of him, waiting for the younger to approach closer to accept it.

Hesitantly, Jungkook took a few steps closer to Mr Nam who sat neatly on his office chair, holding up his hand whilst smiling at the younger, watching him closely. He slowly reached for it, ready to be as quick as a snake to grab it, but unfortunately his boss was quicker, and so he had managed to grab his index finger, and held him.

"Can you please let go?" he begged, forcing back his tears as memories were storming through his mind. "Please."

Mr Nam guffawed again. "You're good at begging," he grinned, "doing it a lot at home? Is your boyfriend too kinky for you?"

Jungkook sniffed, trying his best to seem strong in front of the overpowering man in front of him. "Please, let me go."

Mr Nam slightly frowned at him. "I'm just holding your finger," he said, "just force it out of my hand."

Jungkook glanced back up at him, and then jerked his hand out of Mr Nam big ones, and he was free.

The younger stumbled towards the door to exit the office, but he heard footsteps from behind him, and he froze immediately.

He shut his eyes quickly, tears escaping his eyes. In his head, he caught the glimpse of Mr Yoo behind him, beating him, strangling him, forcing him down on the floor against his will, and the worst part, taking off his pants whenever he wanted to because he couldn't help but to get turned on whenever he hurt the young boy.

"Given up?" the man asked satisfied, "then I won't hurt you."

Jungkook's tears streamed down. "Hyung," he whispered, praying to himself, "help..." 

I'll Be Good - INU sequel ⚣ TKWhere stories live. Discover now