"This one." He pointed to the door beside ours. Just as I was about to knock to see if Asha wanted to go see my mom, I heard her moans making me frown.

That's why she pregnant now! All they do is have sex. I'm surprised she ain't pregnant with twins. They just sad.

"Yeah let's just go because it seems like she's a little preoccupied with Giovanni." I said making August laugh at me and shake his head.


"Hi. How may I help you?" The young lady at the desk asked August and I once me made it to the front desk of the Kindred Hospital.

"Yeah I was wondering what room is Dorothy Smith in?" I asked as she eyed August.

I looked back at him and saw he had his shades on and he was looking everywhere except her which made me laugh.

August looked down at me and smirked before leaning down and pecking my lips multiple times before letting me turn back around.

"She's in Room 432." She stated before looking up from her computer and gazed at August and I rolled my eyes at her as August grabbed my hand.

We took the elevator​to the four floor.

"I wish you was ugly." I told him and he laughed.

"Why?" He asked.

"So females can quit looking at you like you a snack." I said as the elevator doors opened and we left out and headed down the hall.

"Ain't my fault. A nigga just blessed." He said.

"Yes indeed you are." I smirked at him.

"Girl don't start something you can't finish. I'll take you in one of these rooms and handle 'dat." He slapped my butt and I covered it.

"Chill. That stuff hurt." I told him.

"Yeah right." He said and I laughed.

As we made it to her room, I took a deep breath before opening her door to find her lying on the hospital bed with a head wrap around her head. I didn't even notice my dad until he stood up.

"Darling I'm so glad you made it." He came over and hugged me and I hugged him back tightly.

"How she doing?" I see him as he pulled away.

"Not so good. They said she's not going to make it. She can go today, tonight, tomorrow. They just don't​ really know." He explained and I could see the tears in his eyes that he tried so desperately to hold back.

"She's going to be okay. I promise. She's a fighter. She's not going to leave without a fight. I know my momma." I told him.

"Who's this?" My dad looked behind me at August.

"Oh this is my friend August." I told him.

"How you doing sir?" August stepped in front of me and held his hand out to my dad and my dad shook his hand and I was shocked as hell.

"I'm doing fine son. How about you?" My dad asked.

"I'm doing alright." August said before him and my dad went out in​ the hall and closed the room door behind them to give me some privacy.

I walked over to my mom and sat down in the chair that was beside her bed. I scooted the chair closer to her and looked at my mom, trying so hard to not cry.

"Hey mama. I know you can hear me. I need you to fight okay. You have to fight. And when you wake up, there is someone I want you to meet. His name is August and he's amazing mama. He treats me like how dad treats you, like a queen. He was a little mean when we first met though but as we got to know each other he opened up and started being nice." I laughed. "I love you Mama." I said before grabbing her hand and letting a few tears fall.

"I gotta go but I promise I'm coming back tomorrow. I promise." I stood up and leaned down before placing a kiss on her forehead.

I wiped my face before I opened the door and August and my dad stopped talking.

"Well we will talk later son. Take care of my baby girl." My dad gave August a manly hug.

"I'm coming back tomorrow Dad." I told him as he hugged me.

"I know. Be careful you two." He said as August grabbed my hand.

"Bye dad." I waved before August and I got back on the elevator.


August opened the room door and I went inside. Taking off my shoes, I slung them before climbing in the bed and laying down, letting tears fall from my eyes.

Out of all the people in the world God, why my mom?

All this pain I was feeling I just wanted it to go away. I didn't want think about it because every time I did, it made me cry harder.

August climbed in the bed behind me and kissed me. Wrapping his arms around me, I spoke. "August take my mind off of it." I told him as he pecked my lips.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"I got you." He said as he turned me on my back and pecked my lips. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kissed him back. "Lay back and relax mama. I got you."

He pecked my lips before moving down to my neck. Biting and sucking on my neck, I knew he was putting a hickey on me.

Moving down, he reached under my skirt and slid my panties off of me. Gazing down at him, I watched at he grabbed my legs and placed them over his shoulder making my skirt rise up my thighs.

I moaned as I felt his tongue come in contact with me.

"August." I panted as he devoured me. Minutes later, he slid two fingers inside of me and it felt uncomfortable at first but as he moved them in and out of me, the feeling became pleasurable.

I was starting to get that feeling in my stomach again and my legs started the shake and I knew I was close to climaxing.

"Damn you so wet for me." He said and I could here the sound of his fingers moving in and out of my wetness.

"August." I yelped out loud as I reached my climax.

He slid his fingers out of me as licked them clean. Coming closer, he pecked my lips before going to the bathroom to get me a washcloth so that he could wiped me clean.

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