a bad Christmas party

Start from the beginning

"Oh latian" kai said
"Trying to trick us eh?" Ein said
"The book was already written in latian" I said
"I can't read it but Kai can" Ein said
"Let's see what can make you talk." Kai saod cheerfully.

He starts to look threw the pages and i get worried. I hear my phone ringing and it's Travis. He was about to be here thank Irene. They look at me and i look at the book.

"Tell is what you know" kai said
"No" i said
"Okay let's see....'Magis vehemens dolor sit ab intus facti sunt' " kai said

Oh great they made the pain worse for me to deal with.

"Im not gonna tell you *cough* no matter how many times you hurt me *cough cough blood* I'll give up myself for them" I said coughing blood
"Not talking still" Ein said

Ein punched me in my stomach and i coughed out more blood. I didn't care im not gonna let this curse go in the wrong hands. Kai looks at the book and says another spell.

"usquequo patiar adferte illum dolore exclamavit ad eum" kai read.

The keep on making it worse and i can't stand it anymore. Dark magic started to form around me.

"Okay.....the curse determines your fath and who ever read these spell has a conquest" I lied while coughing
"T-they do" kai said
"Yes and they will effect whos ever involed with the person too" lied and know i feel dizzy

They started to get scared but Ein didn't seemed to worried.

"Ha! You think im gonna believe that" Ein laughed
"I didnt say that" i said
"Kai stop reading the spells and leave the book on the tree" Ein said
"Okay" Kai said

Know im scared of what hes gonna do. The spells that Kai cast aren't helping me. Im too weak to fight back. Wait? Where the fuck is Travis!?!?!

To Travis

He's finding Zane but got lost

Back to Zane

I hope he comes soon because im too weak to say any spells. Why is everything bad happening to me TODAY! When im this weak i can't even think straight.

"What are you gonna do" I bluffed
"Nothing just....." He stopped and that me made scared.

He looked at me and my body???? I was confused at this point. I didn't know what this meant for me. He was getting so close to my face. I froze and looked at him.

"I'll make you talk even if it hurts Travis" Ein said

My eyes widen and his lips were on mines. He held my wrist to tree and i tried to struggle free. He stopped and i looked at him i anger.

"Ein get off me" i said
"Why should i" He said

I didn't answer after that and i see Kai getting boried. Ein called him over and i kicked Ein. He didn't moved and kai just laughed. Ein tried to kiss me again i just kept on struggling.
He slapped me across the face and i froze. It gave me so many flashbacks of my father.

"Listen ro'meave! Were here to do a job and we need information! Just give it to us and were gonna leave ya alone" ein said

I didnt answer to him at all.

" Are you even listing" Kai said

I didn't even looked at them at this point.
Ein slapped me again
And again
And again....

It was happening all over again....

The abuse
From him
The mental
The physical
Almost the sexual
It was happening again all over again....

I didnt realize tears were coming down.

"Your weak ro'meave" Kai said
"Im not Weak" i mumbled
"You are" Ein said
"No im strong and stronger that you'll ever be" i said
"Prove it" they both said
"I don't have to" I said
"And why's that" Kai said
"Becuase i have this curse that you can never handle! It's energy is dangerous!" I said
" thats why they want it" Kai said

I started to remember everything that vampire went threw. People beating him up for his power. It wasn't him that made the town fear him. It was the towns people that were the true monsters.
It was never his fault and now i have to see what really happened. The pain was unbearable at this point. I stopped coughing but everything hurts.

Ein tries to get imformation from me once more and i didn't talk. I was strong but not strong enough to stop the pain. He was about to slap me again. I flinched and closed my eyes.

I didnt feel any pain. I opened them and saw Travis.

"Don't touch him" Travis said

Kai ran away and Ein was knocked out. When Ein fainted i feel on the ground. I was too weak to stand. I almost fainted like Ein but i didnt. Travis helped me up. I laid my back against the tree for balance.

"Im sorry" i said

Travis looked at me

"Im sorry that i was....too weak" tears went down my face
"It happened all over again" i said putting my hands up to my face.
"I was j-j-just too weak" i pulled my hair while saying that

Travis hugged me tight and it did hurt.

"You shouldn't be sorry....your not weak" Travis said

I looked at him and smiled somewhat.

"Because your strong"

Our Final Year (series to Vampire Who knew?)Where stories live. Discover now