Chapter 10: The Date

Start from the beginning

It only took about five minutes, but he opted to take a look at my arm too to see if I could take my cast off, but he said it was still healing.

I looked over to the clock and saw it was 6:45, I could leave now. "Thanks dad, I'll see you later!!" I ran upstairs, grabbed my stuff and teleported to Butch's house so we could walk to school together.

I appeared in front of him as he was walking out of the door with his brothers and took a swing at me, which I expertly ducked. "Gee, I was expecting a good morning kiss, not an assault..." I knew he didn't mean to, but he was really fun to mess with. I looked up at him to see him start to panic and his brothers start to laugh. "Babe, I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to it was just a reflex!!" I started laughing at his response and kissed him, "you're really funny when you're flustered Butch. Can I walk to school with you?"

His panicked look changed into an exasperated smile, "yeah, you can walk with us." I smiled and held his hand and we made our way to school.

School was pretty uneventful as usual, aside from the many makeout sessions that Butch and I snuck around for. It was surprisingly annoying to kiss with a cast on, but since it was with Butch, I loved it. After school though, was what I enjoyed about school, soccer practice.

I got dressed in a pair of black and green Nike shorts and a black racer back tank top with a green sports bra. I had to bubble wrap my cast so it wouldn't hurt anyone if it hit them, but I was fine with it as long as I got to play soccer, it should be fine by tomorrow anyways.

Practice lasted until dark today, the big game was in four days after all... it's not typical of me, but I couldn't help but feel nervous about the whole thing. There was going to be so many scouts at the game and I needed to do my best if I even wanted a chance at getting into the olympics. The fact that even with a broken arm I was the best player on the field did build my confidence a bit.

"Alright guys, and Buttercup, as we all know, our game is in Monday. We only have three more days of practice since we can't practice on Sunday's. Good practice today, Buttercup, hurry up and get that cast off, and let's have three more days of good practice! Buttercup you call it." I smirked and looked around at my team, "Cobras on 3! 1, 2, 3, COBRAS!!" My team joined in on the last part and we all went to pack up.

As I was packing up, Butch walked over to me and stopped beside me, already ready to leave. Before he could talk, I turned around and kissed him. "I would normally be mad that you cut me off, but you can cut me off like that anytime! But really, I wanted to ask if you could go out to dinner with me tonight. It's nothing fancy so you don't have to change and I'll pay." I smiled at him, "I'll call the professor and see if it's ok with him." I leaned up and kissed him then pulled out my phone to call the professor.

The phone only rang three times before he picked up.


"Hey dad!"

"Hey sweetie is everything ok?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to ask if it was ok if I stayed out with Butch for a little longer for a dinner date?"

"Umm... sure, I guess... just don't do anything crazy please?"

I laughed at his concern. "You won't have to worry about that dad!! Thanks see you later!!"

"Wait!! Be home by-"

I hung up before he could give me a curfew. I looked up at Butch and beamed at him. "He said I could!! Where are we going?" He chuckled and led me to his Escalade. "You'll see soon enough!" When we got to his car, he opened it for me and I hopped in. He hopped in the other side and we made our way to... wherever he was taking me.

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