The Move

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Spencer's POV:
It's been 5 years since I've been in Rosewood, since we found out who A was and since I last saw Toby. I missed him so much but after how we broke up, I don't know if we can ever get back what we had or even face each other, but business calls and the one place work decided to send me is Rosewood, I mean what's the chances of that happening.
I pull my suitcase out from under the bed and begin packing clothes into it, luckily my parents still live in Rosewood so I'll have somewhere to stay, but whilst packing all the clothes and knowing where I will be tomorrow all the memories and emotion come flooding back to me and before I know it a tear is running down my cheek. I look up to the ceiling in an attempt to stop any more tears from coming out and wipe that one tear away.
As I'm finishing up packing my bedroom door creeks opens and someone runs through the door and hugs my leg, my 4 year old son, Mateo ... our son actually.
"Mommy, can i get some juice out of the fridge?" He asks whilst staring up at me with his ocean blue eyes, identical to the ones I stared into all those years ago,
"Okay hunny, but then we need to get you dressed as we're going away for a while" I reply, I pick him up and give his a kiss, the set him back down and he runs towards the door,
"Love you mama" he says and blows a kiss,
"I love you too" I reply and blow a kiss back to him.

3 hours later on the plane:
I wait at the table for Toby to get home, for what he thinks is a dinner, but little does he know a positive pregnancy test is actually underneath the silver dish,
Just as I light the last candle I hear a key turn in the lock, I smile when I see him but as I see the expression on his face my smile disappears.
"Toby? What's wrong?" I ask concerned, I make my way over to him and place my hand on his arm, he quickly removes my hand from his arm,
"What's wrong?! When we're you planning on telling me that you're going away for a year!?" He shouts, at his sudden change is tone I'm left speenchless,
"Toby - I'm -" I begin, but he cuts me off and begins to walk away, little did he know I wasn't going to go due to the baby but ...
"Toby wait!" I shout, I run after Toby who is walking towards the door,
"No spencer! After everything we've been through together. I thought you would have put us first - we're over - I can't even look at you anymore" I shouts, he gives me one last look the slams the door and that's the last I saw of him.

"The plane will be landing in 5 minutes" the flight attendant calls,
I wake up from my dream, I still can't believe that within a few minuets my life turned completely upside down, but the worst thing about this is Toby still doesn't know ...

Spoby - 5 years forwardWhere stories live. Discover now