Love at First Letter

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Welcome People of Wattpad,
Thank you for opening this story. I hope you enjoy it. 

This story is currently being edited and rewritten in preparation for the upcoming sequel.
For those of you wondering what happened to the rewritten version, it was deleted due to biting off more than I could chew. So I decided to focus solely on editing this version and then continuing onto the second book. 

I hope you like Hazel and Brett's story. 

Please do not steal from my story. Please be kind to each other in the comments. 


My eyes ran over the words of the document multiple times, my teeth chewing on the red pen that was in my mouth. I have been editing the document for the last few weeks and always finding more errors in my work. Having one book already published and another one in the editing stage I was pretty well off. I owned a house in South Carolina that was home to myself and two dogs; a Siberian husky named Finn and a Rottweiler named Noah. They were the only family I had left.

My father was a member of the U.S. Army. He was a sergeant and a pretty well one from what I can remember. While my mother was a member of the Air Force. They had known each other since high school and were together years before they both went into their respective branches of the military. They continued to stay in contact and eventually married. About a year later, they had me and we were one happy family.

My parents didn't have any other kids and when my parents were deployed at the same time, I took refuge in the other military wives houses. We were one big family on base, and even though my parents were sometimes gone for months at the same time, I was happy with the other families. They were all my family.

Years later when I was sixteen, both my parents were currently deployed and as I looked outside I knew something was wrong. My eyes immediately teared up when I saw the two officers climbing the stairs to my door. And before they could even ring the doorbell I opened it wide, the tears already pouring down my face. I had lost one of my parents. I just didn't know which one.

They handed me the letter one of them taking hold of my arm as my legs gave out and easily set me on the couch inside my house. "We're sorry for you loss ma'am." They hadn't stayed much longer and I still stared at the unopened letter. When I did have the courage to open it, I ran my finger under the seal and tore it open.

"We regret to inform you that Sergeant Daniel A. Tate was K.I.A." I read aloud to myself. "His platoon was caught and shot dead."

Knowing how he died didn't help me ease my mind. Was he shot in the head? Was it quick and painless? Or was he shot in the stomach as the enemy watched cruelly as he bled to death. Did he fight until his last breath or did he sit there and wait for death to consume him. Those are the questions that I would never get an answer to.

Two years later, after dealing with my father's death my mother was deployed overseas. I was hesitant in letting her go, but she said she needed to fight for her country and she wouldn't take no for an answer. "It is my duty to fight for my country, and I will fight for them with my last breathe." Is what my mother told me moment before she left.

I had wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek as she kissed mine. "Be safe mom, I love you."

"I love you too Hazel."

Those were the last words I had ever heard my mother speak.

I was now eighteen and deciding which branch I would like to go into. I was leaning towards the Air Force, the same place my mother was in. But then I saw the familiar two officers when I open the door and I knew I had to leave. The tears were already leaving my eyes and this time I didn't need to open the envelope to know which parent it was.

When the officers left me alone, I knew I couldn't stay here. I knew I couldn't stay in this house where memories of my mother and father were everywhere. I ripped open the envelope. "We regret to inform you that Miss Jamie P. Tate was K.I.A." I read from the paper, letting my sobs take control of my body. "Her airplane was shot down. . ." I didn't bother reading the rest of the letter.

I don't remember much of the next few days. All I know is that I somehow packed up my belongings and said goodbye to the family I will be leaving behind at the base. They threw me a goodbye party and I was off. I drove cross-country all the way to South Carolina where I would attend college at the University of South Carolina and never have anything do with the military again.

I had promised myself that five years ago. I was now twenty-three, freshly out of college and my career just taking off. I hadn't gone back to visit the people I left behind, and I didn't know if I wanted to. I was happy here in Carolina, with my friends and career. And I didn't need any reminders of the military at all.

So when I first received the letter I didn't know what to do. It was from some random soldier that was overseas fighting. I didn't know him and I didn't think he knew me either. So why was he writing me?

As I let the letter sit in my hands, I thought back to the promise I had made myself five years ago when my mother had died. No military. But then I stared at the letter and knew I had to figure out what this was about. Did he somehow know me? Did he know my father or my mother? Why was this random soldier sending me a letter?

So for the first time in five years, I sat down at my kitchen table and ripped open the letter. Just like I would do if my father or mother would write me while at war. And I felt the familiar pin pricks of tears at the back of my eyes.

And before I knew what I was doing, I opened the letter.



So what did y'all think?

Also! Would anyone like to make me a cover for this story. The one that's up now, is what I made but as you can tell I'm not very good at covers. So if someone would like to make me one. I will dedicate a chapter to you, and give you a shout out!

So please MESSAGE ME if you want to make me a cover.

Let me know what y'all thought about this prologue. I'm not sure if I want to continue it yet.

So should I?



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