Down the Deep, Dark Passage.

Start from the beginning

"It's fine." I reply, but know I sound forced. I can't do this for much longer.

"There doesn't appear to be anything guys. Only a large chamber room thing." says Emma, making me jump. She had come back so quietly. 

"I don't know what we are going to do." 

"I can't do it any more. I am so sorry Aisha." I say to her, devastated I can't help any longer.

"It's ok. I'll work with it." she replies taking a deep breath and stepping backwards out of my reach. I slump and only Chelsea keeps me from falling over.

"Aisha?!" questions Louis sounding slightly terrified.

"I-I'm fine. I just.. need a minute. I mean.. it's not too bad?" Her tone of voice tells us she is trying to convince herself.

"Emma where is Aisha?" asks Louis.

"Directly in front of you." she replies. "Take two steps forward and you will reach her." I can't see anything but I can sense when Louis reaches her. His energy calms a little, although not heaps. 

"I've got you." he says quietly. "Jesus you're shaking!"

"I'm fine Lou. Emma. We need to get down these stairs. Any idea how?"

"Well, the stairs lead to a huge room. Maybe we should head there. Just follow the stairs down."

"Alright guys, lets go." Carefully, we all start moving forward and I can hear Louis still whispering to Aisha.

"Guys be careful.." starts Emma, but suddenly a loud shout interrupts her and we all hear the sound of someone falling.

"ZAYN!" screams someone else, Neelam I think. 

"Oh my god!"



"STAY CALM!" yells Liam over the general medley, but no one listens to him and everyone begins freaking out. I can hear someone whimpering also. Suddenly Louis shrieks in pure rage.

"ALL WE NEED IS SOME FUCKING LIGHT!!!!" I can feel he is close to breaking point. Suddenly a pinpoint of white light appears, and slowly grows bigger, until it covers Louis' entire body. Louis is literally glowing!

"Shit Lou." says Harry, who's staring at him in absolute shock. Louis closes his eyes and focuses. Suddenly lanterns on the ceiling turn on, and I stare around at everyone in shock. Then I remember..

"Zayn!" I cry, running down the stairs. There is Zayn, lying in a heap on the floor. Quickly I rush up to him and sink down next to him. Immediately another body appears next to me and goes out to touch him.

"Don't move him!" I snap, before realising it is Neelam. She turns and looks at me, tears shining in her dark eyes, and slowly slipping down her face.

"It is my fault!" she sobs. "I was falling and he grabbed me, and pushed me against the wall to stop me falling, but fell himself."

"It'll be ok." I say slipping an arm around the small girl's shoulders. "Chelsea, where are you?"

"I'm right here." she says making me jump. Turning I find myself eye to eye with her. I look into her beautiful blue eyes. They remind me of the sea. Self-conscious she sits back a little and pushes her straight brown hair off her face. She has the cutest blonde streaks in it. 

"Chelsea?" I say again and her ears perk up as she looks at me again. "Can you heal him?"

"I don't know.."

"Please try!" pleads Neelam. "You have to heal him. You just have to!"

"I will try." says Chelsea looking just a little overwhelmed with it all. Carefully reaching out she places a hand on Zayn's chest. Closing her eyes I can sense how hard she focuses, but nothing happens.

"I don't have enough energy!" she snaps frustrated.

"It's my fault isn't it?" says Aisha, moving forwards. Carefully she reaches down and places a hand on Chelsea's shoulder. "Use my energy Chelsea." Chelsea just nods and closes her eyes again. Almost instantly Zayn's neck, head and leg begins glowing with a bright blue light. Chelsea's eyes open too, to assess what she is doing and her eyes glow with the same colour as the light on Zayn. Slowly the light fades off of Zayn and Chelsea turns to us.

"He's healed, at least all of the physical wounds. Aisha can you determine if there is anything damaged in his brain? That is something I don't think I can heal."

"I can try." replies Aisha, as she moves closer to Zayn. Chelsea scoots back, ending up next to me and I hold her close. 

"You were amazing." I say, placing a kiss on her head. 

"I just hope it was enough." she sighs. Sighing also I turn my attention to Aisha. Now that she is next to Zayn, she places a light hand on his forehead, before turning to me. 

"Niall. I have a feeling you are needed here." she says to me seriously. Surprised I move forward so I am next to her.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

*I mean, I can figure out what is wrong in his head, if there is anything, but only you can heal it.* It takes a moment for me to realise that she spoke to me in my head, so I nod. Gently I place a hand on top of Aisha's and we both close our eyes. I sit there with my mind open and just wait for Aisha to tell me what to do.

A/N So people have been harassing me to write this update ;) looking at you my friend, and you know who you are! This is only part one of my update today, since it was too long and I split it. Second half will be up soon. Love to all my fab readers (:

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